@Perowinger94 Und das Projekt ist schon ein paar Jahre alt: https://www.ft.com/content/ade7892c-159a-11e5-be54-00144feabdc0 #jangehl rocks!
@FuckCarsReddit You should have added #pedestrians , mention all the advantages that #ActiveMobility have: less mortal impact with other, low #GES, maintaining health through the movements (that we do on #walking or #biking), the view that we can really enjoy, discover the landscape at the rhythm for which humans were born, more social contact, more aware of noises (those that are dangerous or unpleasant as much as those that are pleasant like birds), etc. #JanGehl #VilleÀÉchelleHumaine
#pedestrians #activemobility #ges #walking #biking #jangehl #villeaechellehumaine
@jacouzi Un livre qui fait parti des lectures qui m'ont marquée. #lecture #ÀLire #JanGehl #VilleÀÉchelleHumaine
#lecture #alire #jangehl #villeaechellehumaine
The Selection Committee of Sustainable Cities And Human Settlements Awards decided to give #architect and #urbanplanning master #JanGehl the Global Human Settlements Outstanding Contribution Award 2022.
Jan Gehls contribution to urban planning is absolutely incredible.
If you are not familiar with is work i suggest you check out "Life Between Buildings"
#danisharchitecture #humanscale #citiesforpeople
#architect #urbanplanning #jangehl #danisharchitecture #humanscale #citiesforpeople
#MultiUse #PublicSpaces and #UrbanDesign: #Copenhagen and #Social #Integration | ArchDaily
"#Life, #space, #buildings - in that order". This phrase, from the #Danish #urban #architect #JanGehl, sums up the changes that Copenhagen has undergone in the last 50 years.
#multiuse #publicspaces #urbandesign #copenhagen #social #integration #life #space #buildings #danish #urban #architect #jangehl