HEY! LISTEN: If you like your existentialism with a side of twang, Tucker Riggleman and the Cheap Dates made "Virtue" just for you.
#diymusic #indierock #janglerock #altcountry #americana
ICYMI: Last week I wrote up Janis Ian's cover of Eric Andersen's evocative "The Hills of Tuscany," Izzy Heltai's embrace of his power on "Running Around," Tina & Her Pony's bittersweet breakup ballad, and The Storm Windows' power pop unrequited love song "Sweet Amelia."
Catch these tunes on The Boot!
#FolkMusic #IndieFolk #Americana #JangleRock #PowerPop #QueerCountry #TransMusic #QuerMusic @americana
#quermusic #transmusic #queercountry #powerpop #janglerock #americana #indiefolk #folkmusic
Hello from all of us at Big Stir Records! We're new here, so in case you missed it -- here's the new collection TWENTY-TWO TRACKS FROM 2022, with highlights from every Big Stir Records and SpyderPop Records release over the past 12 months! Stream or download it now to hear what we humbly believe to be the year's best from the global pop rock scene:
#BigStirRecords #IndiePop #PowerPop #JangleRock #PunkPop #PsychPop #RetroPop #CollegeRock #JanglePop #BestOf2022
#bigstirrecords #indiepop #powerpop #janglerock #PunkPop #psychpop #retropop #collegerock #janglepop #bestof2022
#DeepThoughts while #running today:
My favorite #PattiSmith song is #DancingBarefoot
which is probably why I dig #DrivinNCryin #ScarletButterfly
Of the era, I also dig the cover by #TheFeelies #Feelies https://youtu.be/XgdVzVMa7-0
Hear that guitar connecting them all? 💙
#music #rock #rawk #musodon #mastoMusic #postPunk #SouthernJanglePunk #JangleRock #Wave #IvanKral #ScarredButSmarter #PattiSmithGroup #ToddRundgren #GoodCoverSongsExist
#goodcoversongsexist #ToddRundgren #pattismithgroup #scarredbutsmarter #ivankral #wave #janglerock #southernjanglepunk #postpunk #mastomusic #musodon #rawk #rock #music #feelies #thefeelies #scarletbutterfly #drivinncryin #dancingbarefoot #pattismith #running #deepthoughts
I'm a retired #radio personality,
current #VoiceOver artist,
creator of #podcasts #podcast #CountryFriedRock #OneHitHistory #BubbleBottles,
who likes #dogs #music #musodon #coffee #running #postpunk #janglepop #janglerock #powerpop
Great ideas, terrible follow-through.
Miss the office bc I liked my co-workers.
Excellent at connecting other people who should know each other.
Awkward IRL.
#introduction #introductions
#cowtownchad took this great photo of me a million years ago.
#cowtownchad #introductions #introduction #powerpop #janglerock #janglepop #postpunk #running #coffee #musodon #music #dogs #BubbleBottles #OneHitHistory #CountryFriedRock #podcast #podcasts #voiceover #radio