32 years ago today:
Northern Exposure
S2E7: Slow Dance
The infamous O'Connell curse seems to have claimed another victim when a falling satellite hits Rick. Maurice has mixed feelings about selling some property for an outrageously high price to a couple he disapproves of, and Shelly becomes confused when Holling is really enjoying his reunion with an o...
Airdate: 1991-05-20
#NorthernExposure #RobMorrow #JanineTurner #CBS #tvshows
#northernexposure #robmorrow #janineturner #cbs #tvshows
#SantaBarbara 008 (1984) - 7/10
Guest stars include: #AlejandroRey, #TimRobbins and #JanineTurner.
1️⃣ More a character-driven episode than a story-driven one. Several scenes pair Joe with his sister Jade for the first time. Kelly confides in Rosa for the first time. The Mason-CC relationship is looked at, in detail, for the first time. And we get even more confirmation that Peter is a social climber.
#santabarbara #alejandrorey #timrobbins #janineturner
32 years ago today:
Northern Exposure
S2E2: The Big Kiss
Ed's wish to know who his parents were summons up a 256-year-old Indian spirit named ""One-Who-Waits"" who offers to help him find out. Chris finds his voice has been stolen by a beautiful woman passing through town, and comes to believe in a folk cure he hears about-that he must sleep with the most...
Airdate: 1991-04-15
#NorthernExposure #RobMorrow #JanineTurner #CBS #tvseries
#northernexposure #robmorrow #janineturner #cbs #tvseries
38 years ago today:
The A-Team
S3E15: The Big Squeeze
The A-Team opens its own restaurant to lure a ruthless loan shark who has other restaurant owners terrified.
Airdate: 1985-01-15
#TheATeam #JanineTurner #WingsHauser #NBC #ClassicTV #TV #Television #tvseries #tvshows
#theateam #janineturner #wingshauser #nbc #classictv #tv #television #tvseries #tvshows
En medio de tantas noticias terribles, sigue habiendo razones para levantarse cada mañana con algo de esperanza
Ay, que tiempos cuando la ponían a deshoras en la 2, salteada y desordenada y teníamos que identificar la temporada por el corte de pelo de O'Connell ( :heart_fire: )
#doctorenalaska #northernexposure #filmin #janineturner