Had just had a bit of an issue with a deployment at work.
No users reported any trouble after a partial rollout of a refactored page, until later when one of the bosses tried it on the live site and found it was broken.
My pet theory is that the state the web is in these days, we all expect a certain amount of jankiness online. I suspect anyone who came across it just shrugged and moved on.
@aranel #DankPods really does that #jank and does unreasonable mods...
Watching Jeaye Wilkerson's talk about his #jank programming language (a #clojure dialect) make me want to learn C++ properly just to be ready for it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ncYlHfK25i0
Kotaku: Hands-On: Phantom Liberty Is What Cyberpunk 2077 Wished It Could've Been https://kotaku.com/cyberpunk-2077-phantom-liberty-idris-elba-price-preview-1850526234 #gaming #tech #kotaku #japanesecyberpunk #sciencefiction #lukeplunkett #cdprojektred #cyberpunk #cdprojekt #idriselba #phantom #culture #fiction #kotaku #sonic #jank #rpg
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #japanesecyberpunk #sciencefiction #lukeplunkett #cdprojektred #cyberpunk #cdprojekt #idriselba #phantom #Culture #fiction #sonic #jank #rpg
Made a #jank kludge, because I could not find any 90* angle SMA plugs, so I got to use this scrap piece to make a short adapter cable.
@josephholsten @fuchsiii @bastetfurry @gpuopen having a #GPU randomly go #braindead until reset is not only inacceptable, but inexcuseable!
Shit like this doesn't happen with any other card amd I'm used to #jank like #ExpressCard-based USB 3.0 controllers!
#ExpressCard #jank #braindead #gpu
Theory of Jank
(transplanted and extended from a #twitter version)
Every long term system, whether natural, human or technological, will be #janky ie. poorly specified & thrown together in ad hoc fashion. Simple systems are incomplete, and accrete #jank until they're (mostly) fit for purpose. If a simple system can't adapt, it will be replaced by one that can (eg. eaten by a bear 🐻).
Under this theory, systems (including ones composed of people) don't really learn or adapt. The current owners just hack new things onto/into/under/around/out of them until they're more-or-less ok, or it becomes less effort to just pull the whole thing down and start over.
Sometimes there'll be attempts to fight #jank, but these will ultimately be defeated by the balance between adding features vs. fighting entropy, and features almost always win, because the alternative is stagnation and death. If a system faces existential risk due to jank, the jank will be repaired, but only to the point that new features can be added, at which point the jank will continue.
External impressions can be that a system is smooth, efficient, resilient, streamlined and free of jank (a cockroach), but this only happens after a long period with several existential crises to beat the rough edges off the system, and generally locks the design in amber. Regardless of external appearances, the interior will always remain soft, weird and squishy.
#introduction #introductions Hi. My name's Elaine. I have decided to get serious about my family tree again. Recent surnames are #Cheshire #Holden #Leicester #Allen #Leitner #Jank #Druml #Drumel I have ancestors from Austria and The UK & Ireland (more places too)...I do not know my Grandfather (paternal) and my Great Grandfather (Paternal on my Grandma's side). I hope to be quite active on here when I get time :) #Genealogy
#introduction #introductions #cheshire #holden #leicester #allen #leitner #jank #druml #drumel #Genealogy
Surnames I am researching.
Maternal side: #Cheshire #Holden #Leicester #Allen #Wainwright #Brogan (as well as others).
Paternal Side: #Leitner #Jank #Druml #Drumel #Wohlmuth (as well as others).
I am on all DNA sites :)
#cheshire #holden #leicester #Allen #wainwright #brogan #leitner #jank #druml #drumel #wohlmuth #genealogy
On #Friendica and #Telegram:
›Call for Papers — 16th European #Lisp Symposium — #ELSConf —#Amsterdam — 2023-04-24/25‹
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If you would like to come over to a friendly group on Telegram focused on the programming languages in the #FamilyOfLisp — please feel welcomed to join!
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#familyoflisp #lisp #scheme #commonlisp #racket #interlisp #clojure #balindalisp #hy #ELSCONF #zetalisp #lispmachine #connectionmachine #thinkingmachines #emacs #autolisp #clos #AMOP #sicp #cltl2 #paip #AIMA #pcl #symbolics #genera #dylanlang #lfe #islisp #arc #janet #jank #onlisp #htdp #clhs #eulisp
I used to think watching people play video games with the dumbest use of anybody's time.
then I got back in the magic The gathering and I knew that I needed help understanding the meta.
I found a lot of magic YouTubers but this guy does not give a fuck about the meta.
#mtg #magicTheGathering #YouTuber #YouTube #CCG #TCG #monoblackmagic #JasonDennis #jank
#mtg #magicthegathering #youtuber #youtube #ccg #tcg #monoblackmagic #JasonDennis #jank
Didn't check the size of the breadboards and prototype boards, mistakes were made. This is fine.
#electronics #jank #esp32
it works! I don't want to kill it by accident so will probably wait until everything else actually arrives before moving forward but happy with where things are at!
Image (broken uploads) at https://jsmailes.co.uk/media/projects/led-shelf/mvp.jpeg
sidenote: I really need to get an actual image hosting setup going
I made a marble race.
As it took me way longer than I had anticipated (making b-roll when using Blender simply means twice the modelling and render time, for example), I could not be bothered to fix all the obvious problems. Erm, yay for jank?
The most important thing is there, i.e. ill-payed marbles risking life and limb (?) for your entertainment. (Repost from Facebook)