About to read this by #JannyWurts, having somehow gone all my life having only read her wonderful Empire books co-authored with #RaymonEFeist and yet never one of her many other books. Really excited about it! 🤓
OK, I've re-read everything ever published by Janny Wurts. Again.
Just finished re-reading the Empire trilogy, and I'm just... lost. I don't know what to do with myself, now. I want MORE Mara and Kevin, but there is no more. Not ever. There never will be.
You know? You ever read something that's so good that it makes you feel bad when you read the last word?
#reading #jannywurts #fantasy #books
I didn't know that, no! But she's easily my favorite prose writer in the #fantasy genre (with which I am admittedly obsessed). And her characterizations are also almost unequalled. I'm rereading one of my other favorites right now #JannyWurts and she comes close, but it's a more formal style of fantasy. Jemisin writes naturally without the affectation of a Tolkienesque voice.
We have similar taste! Tho as you can see I might be obsessed with #EpicFantasy
#RobinHobb #NKJemisin #JannyWurts #GlenCook #JRRTolkien #DaveDuncan #JackVance #RaymondFeist
#epicfantasy #robinhobb #nkjemisin #jannywurts #glencook #jrrtolkien #daveduncan #jackvance #raymondfeist
@SalusaSecondus @bookstodon@a.gup.pe
I'd go for
plus the more current likes of #ArkadyMartine #TamsynMuir #BeckyChambers bubbling just under the old favourites.
#beckychambers #tamsynmuir #arkadymartine #julianmay #neilgaiman #jannywurts #clivebarker #terrypratchett #iainmbanks