I like #LeeMiller's photographs a lot. I was hoping to discover more about her from this, but I found it more speculative than grounded in evidence and, despite being written by three women who were aiming to position Miller as a key player in #BritishSurrealism, spent too much time talking about the men historically at the forefront of the movement.
#leemiller #britishsurrealism #jans2022readinglist #bookreview #Books
What I read in 2022
I managed (more or less) 60 books last year. More or less because I had 10 pages left of my last read of the year as the calendar clicked over.
I had 16 five star reads. My favourites of these were #Villager by #TomCox, #ThirstySea by #EricaMou, #MuscleAndMouth by #LouiseFinnigan, #BreastsAndEggs by #MiekoKawakami, and the #ShortStory collection #TheBookOfRamallah from #CommaPress.
#villager #tomcox #thirstysea #ericamou #muscleandmouth #louisefinnigan #breastsandeggs #miekokawakami #shortstory #thebookoframallah #commapress #jans2022readinglist #Books
My last read for #NovellasInNovember - I didn't quite finish it in November because it demanded slow reading and reflection of me.
The Sense of an Ending is a story about the paradoxes of existence, the unreliability of memory and the way we curate our memories to tell a manipulated version of the story of our lives.
It's utterly brilliant.
#NovNov22 #Jans2022readinglist #Books #BookReview #JulianBarnes #TheSenseOfAnEnding
#novellasinnovember #novnov22 #jans2022readinglist #Books #bookreview #JulianBarnes #thesenseofanending
A Very Normal Man tells the curious tale of Giovanni Vivaldi, a clerk in the Ministry of Pensions, working towards his own retirement when a swift and shocking tragedy occurs.
The tragedy leads to a moment of decision that takes an unexpected turn, with Giovanni taking a brutal revenge on the perpetrator of the tragedy.
I loved it.
#jans2022readinglist #averynormalman #vincenzocerami #isobelgrave #novnov22 #novellasinnovember #books #bookblogger
#jans2022readinglist #averynormalman #vincenzocerami #isobelgrave #novnov22 #novellasinnovember #Books #bookblogger
My first review link on here. My first Philip Roth.
Full of dense description, with every character an individual not a type, it examines who we are, who we pretend to be, and what happens when trauma shatters our idea of ourselves.
#Jans2022ReadingList #AmericanPastoral #PhilipRoth #1001Books #BorrowedBooksBacklog #BookBlogger #Books #BookReview
#jans2022readinglist #americanpastoral #philiproth #1001books #borrowedbooksbacklog #bookblogger #Books #bookreview