Original toot date: 29 January, 2023
On January 26, I had the opportunity to speak with Mayor of Moonee Valley Council Pierce Tyson, Cr. Rose Iser and Moonee Valley City Council CEO Helen Sui, about Indigenous healing and how we can be more sensitive to our First Nations people on January 26.
We also discussed a local project I have been wanting and proposing for several years and Mayor Tyson was gracious enough to invite me to send him my proposal, in the hope that he may be able to advocate for it on my behalf (watch this space). Both Cr. Iser and Ms. Sui were encouraged by my enthusiasm to create local change for indigenous peoples, and were incredibly supportive and enthusiastic.
I also had an opportunity to speak with Niddrie Greens candidate Declan McGinness, where we discussed how collaboration not politics, will see the most positive changes for our communities come to fruition.
I thank all of these wonderful people for their warm hospitality and genuine care in what I had to say.
#MooneeValley #communitymatters #communityengagement #indigenousrights #alwayswasalwayswillbe #AboriginalLivesMatter #January26 #invasionday #DayOfMourning #survivalday #AustraliaDay
#mooneevalley #communitymatters #communityengagement #indigenousrights #alwayswasalwayswillbe #AboriginalLivesMatter #january26 #invasionday #dayofmourning #survivalday #australiaday
Today's outro-
Steven Oliver performs his emotional poem during this year’s Sunset Ceremony
#AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #January26 #FourLarksThreeD
#alwayswasalwayswillbe #january26 #fourlarksthreed
On January 26, I had the opportunity to speak with Mayor of Moonee Valley Council Pierce Tyson, Cr. Rose Iser and Moonee Valley City Council CEO Helen Sui, about Indigenous healing and how we can be more sensitive to our First Nations people on January 26.
We also discussed a local project I have been wanting and proposing for several years and Mayor Tyson was gracious enough to invite me to send him my proposal, in the hope that he may be able to advocate for it on my behalf (watch this space). Both Cr. Iser and Ms. Sui were encouraged by my enthusiasm to create local change for indigenous peoples, and were incredibly supportive and enthusiastic.
I also had an opportunity to speak with Niddrie Greens candidate Declan McGinness, where we discussed how collaboration not politics, will see the most positive changes for our communities come to fruition.
I thank all of these wonderful people for their warm hospitality and genuine care in what I had to say.
#MooneeValley #communitymatters #communityengagement #indigenousrights #alwayswasalwayswillbe #AboriginalLivesMatter #January26 #invasionday #DayOfMourning #survivalday #AustraliaDay
#mooneevalley #communitymatters #communityengagement #indigenousrights #alwayswasalwayswillbe #AboriginalLivesMatter #january26 #invasionday #dayofmourning #survivalday #australiaday
Song of the Day January 26 2023
In memory of the birth of Bessie Coleman
Biography Channel: Mini Bio of Bessie Coleman
#SongOfTheDay #SOTD #SOTD2023 #January26 #BessieColeman #Biography #BiographyChannel #AmeliaEarhart #FemaleAviator #Trailblazer #RoleModel
#songoftheday #sotd #sotd2023 #january26 #bessiecoleman #biography #biographychannel #ameliaearhart #femaleaviator #trailblazer #rolemodel
Happy Republic Day. A salute to the heroes of India on this momentous .
#Jumbo #RepublicDay #India #republicdayindia #RepublicDay2023 #HappyRepublicDay #Indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
#jumbo #republicday #india #RepublicDayindia #republicday2023 #happyrepublicday #indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
Happy Republic day! Today was when India's constitution was made, and we got independence in a real sense. Let us respec#republicday74
#DigitalPowerTechnologies #RepublicDay #India #republicdayindia #RepublicDay2023 #HappyRepublicDay #Indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
#digitalpowertechnologies #republicday #india #RepublicDayindia #republicday2023 #happyrepublicday #indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
Rejoice in the glory of the nation, and do not forget to thank the soldiers. Happy Republic Day🇮🇳
#Aquaneeta #RepublicDay #India #republicdayindia #RepublicDay2023 #HappyRepublicDay #Indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
#aquaneeta #republicday #india #RepublicDayindia #republicday2023 #happyrepublicday #indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
Never forget those heroes who brought this glorious day to India. Happy Republic Day🇮🇳
#Inspiritsafetysolutions #RepublicDay #India #republicdayindia #RepublicDay2023 #HappyRepublicDay #Indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
#inspiritsafetysolutions #republicday #india #RepublicDayindia #republicday2023 #happyrepublicday #indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
Let us celebrate Republic day by thanking those who sacrificed lives for us. Happy Republic Day🇮🇳
#CFTECH #RepublicDay #India #republicdayindia #RepublicDay2023 #HappyRepublicDay #Indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
#cftech #republicday #india #RepublicDayindia #republicday2023 #happyrepublicday #indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
Why #January26 should never be our Australia Day.
#january26 #alwayswasalwayswillbeaboriginalland #indigenousrights
Freedom in our minds, strength in words, pride in our souls and pureness in our blood. Let’s salute our India on Republic Day.
Happy Republic Day🇮🇳
#OperaHolidays #RepublicDay #India #republicdayindia #RepublicDay2023 #HappyRepublicDay #Indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
#operaholidays #republicday #india #RepublicDayindia #republicday2023 #happyrepublicday #indian #january26 #indianarmy #republicday74
Anti-Australia Day graffiti seen in the Sunshine Coast.
#abolishaustraliaday #abolishaustralia #january26 #noprideingenocide
#AbolishAustraliaDay #AbolishAustralia #january26 #NoPrideInGenocide
A long and great read.
#InvasionDay #January26 #auspol #colonialism #libfail
#libfail #colonialism #auspol #january26 #InvasionDay
💻new post💻
Not “celebrating” tomorrow? Here’s what you can do instead. 🖤💛❤️
🔗READ NOW: http://bit.ly/7ThingsToDoOnJanuary26
#January26 #AustraliaDay #InvasionDay #AlwaysWasAlwaysWillBe #NotTheDayToCelebrate #bloggertribe #newblogpost
#january26 #australiaday #invasionday #alwayswasalwayswillbe #notthedaytocelebrate #bloggertribe #newblogpost
RT @ranjona@twitter.com
Justice, equality, liberty...
That's what today is about.
Not French aeroplanes.
But more those French democratic, republican principles...
#farmerstractorparade #RepublicDay2021 #january26