Tonight was the finale to this year's #JanuaryGiallo from Cinematic Void and the American Cinematheque --- and what a finale! I'd never even heard of #IKnowWhoKilledMe before, let alone seen it, but I am so glad I got to see it tonight! It's a totally bonkers neo-giallo starring #LindsayLohan and...Lindsay Lohan! Director Chris Sivertson was in attendance for a Q&A after the movie. I can already tell that this one is going to be a new favorite of mine. Great sleazy stuff!
#januarygiallo #iknowwhokilledme #lindsaylohan
This one gets right down to business! #januarygiallo #cinemadnessmovie #CinematicVoid
#januarygiallo #cinemadnessmovie #cinematicvoid
No better way to start #januarygiallo then with James from #CinematicVoid and the Black Gloved Killer (with a fine bottle of scotch and no doubt a straight razor hidden somewhere!) The film was a surprisingly fine Italian print of Lucio Fulci's head tripper 'A Lizard in a Woman's Skin.' #horror #Mutantfam #giallo
#januarygiallo #cinematicvoid #horror #mutantfam #giallo
Going to go see that beautiful Italian print of Una Lucertola Con la Pelle Di Donna or A Lizard In A Woman's Skin by Lucio Fulci with the soundtrack by Ennio Morricone for the first screening of Cinematic Void's January Giallo 2023 tonight. #Mastodon #film #JanuaryGiallo #CinematicVoid #Cinema #Horror #Giallo
#giallo #horror #cinema #cinematicvoid #januarygiallo #Film #Mastodon
Hi, my latest for Fangoria about January Giallo 2023: Black Gloved Hands Across America.
From Cinematic Void on Twitter, "Want more info on January Giallo 2023? Check out doloresmquintana’s excellent write-up over at FANGORIA for details, lineups, and proper straight razor etiquette." #Mastodon #JanuaryGiallo #Horror #Italy #Giallo #NeoGiallo #Film #Cinema #Movies #CinematicVoid
#cinematicvoid #Movies #cinema #Film #neogiallo #giallo #Italy #horror #januarygiallo #Mastodon
I'm pretty excited about seeing Lucio Fulci's A Lizard in a Woman's Skin tonight as part of Cinematic Void's annual January Giallo. #cinematicvoid #januarygiallo #giallo #film #losangeles
#cinematicvoid #januarygiallo #giallo #film #losangeles