寝ようとしてる犬におやつと呟いたら‥【狆とチワワ】 https://www.wacoca.com/pets/150936/
#狆 #まて #sweets #japanesechin #inu #dog #chihuahuas
入笠山でワンコ連れスノーシュー https://www.meowmoe.com/60158/
#日本狆 #大和的狆 #スノーシュー #neko #japanesechin
Today is give your kids additional love day. Please hug your kids for me. I'm missing mine.
Your choice: more of me, parking lot finds, or my kids
#japanesechin #parkinglotfinds #photosofme
狆のオフ会〜2021 光が丘公園にて〜前編☆ https://www.wacoca.com/pets/98312/
#集会 #狆 #楽園 #パラダイス #オフ会 #japanesechin #inu #dog
In case you wana see her without "makeup" ... and me without facial hair ... may I present one-half of "Caesar" ... this is my Serena. (my ex took the photo)
"Caesar" is a character from the movie 2012 (with John Cusack)
#JapaneseChin #DogsOfMastodon
That time you're rewatching a movie (2012, with John Cusack) just to see one of your kids again.
*Serena was one of two Japanese Chin portraying "Cesar" in the story. She was the "stunt dog" doing all the action scenes.
My lil'angel Tony, loves watching snow monkeys, more than anything.
He can sit for hours & not make a sound, just watching! 😍
Hiroki is exactly where I want to be: snuggled under warm blankets, asleep.
My angel 👼
#dogsofmastodon #japanesechin #rescuedme
When you sit down, grab the snugly blanket .... and your kids know what's about to happen ...
Yardley is a #JapaneseChin , which I've always said they are the best of a #dog and the best of a #cat mixed together.
Their #grinch feet helps.
#japanesechin #dog #cat #grinch
Yardley obviously had too much fun last night. I don't know how she can sleep like this.
Go away dad, I'm cozy. -Hiroki
Anyone call for a Chinwheel?
Clockwise from the top: Hiroki, Savanna, Ellis, Yardley.