Some Japanese CMs from 1974.
I can't help but wonder what that sexy couple is going to do with a Kanaflex hose. 😅
Japanese commercials from 1973.
This batch contains a very young Sanma Akashiya (comedian) and an adorable animated ad for Charumera ramen!
Japanese Commercials from 1972.
#japanesecommercials #consumerism
具が大きい❣️ (/Goo gah oh-kee!/ The chunks are BIG! 😁)
CM: House Curry Kobo, Circa 1991-92. In this commercial the girl shows her dad her calligraphy piece that reads 'どんぐり' donguri, meaning "chestnut". But the hiragana letter 'gu' (ぐ goo) is written too big for the composition, and Dad points this out to the crestfallen daughter. The line is "goo gah ohkee," "the gu is big", and 'gu' (具) written differently can also mean chunky ingredients in a dish.
具が大きい❣️ (/Goo gah oh-kee!/ The chunks are BIG! 😁)
CM: House Curry Kobo, Circa 1991-92. In this commercial the girl shows her dad her calligraphy piece that reads "どんぐり" donguri, meaning "chestnut". But the hiragana letter 'gu' (ぐ goo) is written too big for the composition, and Dad points this out to the crestfallen daughter. The line is "goo gah ohkee," "the gu is big", and 'gu' (具) written differently can also mean chunky ingredients in a dish.
具が大きい❣️ (/Goo gah oh-kee!/ The chunks are BIG! 😁)
CM: House Curry Kobo, Circa 1991-92.
Happy 70th Birthday to Cyndi Lauper! 😀
Here she is in a Japanese commercial for Domino's Pizza, Circa 1994.
Go ahead. Enjoy a refreshing Japanese commercial starring Rick Astley.
You know you need it. ;)
#japanesecommercials #rickrolling
My favorite Japanese entertainer Mikawa Kenichi harassing a woman who is very happy about her Tansuni Gone clothes pest repellant. 😂
#nihongo #japanesecommercials #funny
『田辺桃子』CM スーモ 物件数No.1おうち篇
#actress #cm #commercial #japanese #japanesecommercials #radiocommercial #television #TV #tvcommercial #youtube #アップロード #お母さん #カメラ付き携帯電話 #かわいい #コミュニティ #ジャニーズ #チャンネル #テレビ #ビデオ #ユーチューブ #共有 #動画 #動画機能付き携帯電話 #女優 #子供 #子供が寝る #子供が泣き止む #子供が笑う #子守唄 #広告 #映画 #最新 #無料 #田辺桃子 #美人 #連続再生
#連続再生 #美人 #田辺桃子 #無料 #最新 #映画 #広告 #子守唄 #子供が笑う #子供が泣き止む #子供が寝る #子供 #女優 #動画機能付き携帯電話 #動画 #共有 #ユーチューブ #ビデオ #テレビ #チャンネル #ジャニーズ #コミュニティ #かわいい #カメラ付き携帯電話 #お母さん #アップロード #youtube #tvcommercial #tv #television #radiocommercial #japanesecommercials #japanese #commercial #cm #actress