Got my first ever shincha (from Wazuka, Kyoto) delivered recently, and have been giving it a few test brews. Delightful flavour, but what I really can't get out of my head is that the leaves smell *exactly* like a perfect nectarine (not independently verified, ymmv)
Needed a boost today, and few things in life beat gyokuro
Hoje temos outro chá, desta vez Gyokuro de Asahina, Japão, da variedade Tsuyu-Hikari. É muito cremoso e delicioso, cheira a pinheiro e a nozes. Depois de o preparar, provavelmente só me restou uma xícara pequenina (~7.5 ml) de chá, mas gostei muito. E como sempre, aqui estão algumas fotografias.
#tea #gyokuro #japanesetea #photography
OKAY so beautiful #tea lovers of the mastodon app here is the tea I made myself on Wednesday, it's a low quality instant tea but I drank it during my stay in Japan and had brought some (before online buying) that I had carefully kept for special days. It may be bad but I love it. It's hojicha #hojicha #japanesetea
Outro dia, outro genmaicha, porque adoro chás verdes do Japão 😋 Agora tenho um bule novo, por isso tenho de tirar umas fotos.
Cheira a frango fumado e madeira, sacia a fome (um bocadinho) e tem a energia do chá verde. Recomendo.
#tea #genmaicha #teapot #photography #japanesetea
Bikepacking trip – Following a Nostalgic Trainline to Hamamatsu [4K]
#biketrip #bikepacking #cyclinginjapan #Hamamatsu #Hamamatsudestinations #Hamamatsutour #Hamamatsutravel #Hamamatsutrip #Hamamatsuvacation #Japaneseguesthouse #japanesetea #kakegawa #KIKUGAWA #Shizuoka #teafields #TeaMuseum #浜松
#shizuoka #biketrip #bikepacking #cyclinginjapan #hamamatsu #hamamatsudestinations #hamamatsutour #hamamatsutravel #hamamatsutrip #hamamatsuvacation #japaneseguesthouse #japanesetea #kakegawa #kikugawa #teafields #teamuseum #浜松
Out drinking with my best pal
I just have to thank @stephanieburgis for pointing me to soba-cha, an incredible Japanese roasted buckwheat tea! It's soothing and incredible. I found a source for it in New York (straight from Nagano), and it is such a delight! Thank you for posting about the soba-cha you were enjoying (can't remember what platform, but you made me curious, so I gave it a try). It's now one of my favorite teas.
I just have to thank @stephanieburgis for pointing me to soba-cha, an incredible Japanese roasted buckwheat tea! It's soothing and incredible. I found a source for it in New York (straight from Nagano), and it is such a delight! Thank you for posting about the soba-cha you were enjoying (can't remember what platform, but you made me curious, so I gave it a try). It's now one of my favorite teas.
A huge mug of Japanese Amacha mixed with Sakura Bacha will relax me, kick-off my anxiety and in one hour I'll be zen enough to go to sleep....I hope.
#gayfr #gayfrench #japanesetea #fitness
I've just given the kyusu its inaugural brew, with a wonderful gyokuro. It's a tiny little thing, a mere 160 ml, so not one to bring out when for serving guests. For when it's just little old me enjoying one of my fancier teas, it is perfection.
#tea #japanesetea #gyokuro #kyusu
"International Women's Day, Sarah Bernhardt Edition"
#Tea #Teableau #TeaCozy #TeaCosy #HojichaTea #JapaneseTea #GreenTea #SarahBernhardt #AlphonseMucha
#alphonsemucha #sarahbernhardt #greentea #japanesetea #hojichatea #teacosy #teacozy #teableau #tea
Taking some mugicha (grilled barley) with me today, it is really a nice drink! It is an herbal tea/infusion appreciated by Japanese people especially during the summer from what I've learned #mugicha #japanesetea #tea #herbaltea #infusion #japan
#mugicha #japanesetea #tea #herbaltea #infusion #japan
Twice baked matcha shortbread, because my obsession with japanese tea knows no bounds.
#matcha #japanesetea #shortbread #baking
Good morning, world! Time for some #tea #JapaneseTea #日本茶 No #coffee this time
#tea #japanesetea #日本茶 #coffee
I've been making daily (or twice daily) matcha the past few days to try to hone it in. I've lowered the temperature from 80 °C to 75, started preheating the cup, and worked on improving my whisking. I think improved aeration has had the largest effect, though I've still got a few larger bubbles.
Drinking the last bit of the cheap hōjicha I got in Japan before the pandemic hit. It's cheap, it's a little old, but damn, it's good. Need to order some more
My sister made me discover a black tea from Kerugoya (Kenya), one from Tyolo (Malawi) and a mix from green torrefied green Japanese tea and black Chinese tea. I really liked the ones from Kenya and Malawi (the one from Malawi being my favorite) I was not used at all to this kind of flavours as mainly drink Chinese & Japanese teas. I can't wait to discover more! I also realised how limited my tea knowledge was
#tea #TeaDrinker #teadrinkers #blacktea #kenya #malawi #japanesetea #chinesetea
#tea #teadrinker #teadrinkers #blacktea #kenya #malawi #japanesetea #chinesetea
#japanesetea #日本茶 #急須 #左利き #teapot #LeftHander