Bitcoin will bring global payments out of the ‘fax era' — Ex-PayPal boss - Marcus said there’s still no universal protocol when it comes to ... - #internationalpayment #wiretransfer #davismarcus #japaneseyen #lightspark #u.s.dollar #euro
#euro #u #lightspark #japaneseyen #davismarcus #wiretransfer #internationalpayment
Asian Economies Could Benefit From Reduced Dollar Influence, Says Devere CEO - The CEO of asset management firm Devere Group says the world is shifting “away fro... - #usdollarreservecurrency #usdollardominance #asianeconomies #chineseyuan #japaneseyen #nigelgreen #economics #usdollar #devere #asia
#asia #devere #usdollar #economics #nigelgreen #japaneseyen #chineseyuan #asianeconomies #usdollardominance #usdollarreservecurrency
Bitcoin Leaves Major Assets in the Dust: Surges 80% in the First Half of 2023, Soars to 12th Largest Global Asset - In the first half of 2023, eye-opening statistics reveal that bitcoin (BTC), the l... - #standoutperformers #marketperformance #marketvaluation #u.s.dollarindex #cryptocurrency #nikkei225index #12thposition #globalassets #japaneseyen #news
#news #japaneseyen #globalassets #12thposition #nikkei225index #cryptocurrency #u #marketvaluation #marketperformance #standoutperformers
Bank of Japan’s Kuroda Shocks Markets by Raising the Benchmark Rate to 0.5% From 0.25% - The Japanese yen is up 3.42% against the U.S. dollar on Tuesday as the Bank of Jap... - #yieldcurvecontrolmechanism #japanesecentralbank #hedgefundmanager #benchmarkrate #increasedrate #10-yearbonds #japaneconomy #bankofjapan #jameslavish #japaneseyen #peterschiff #upperlimits #mizuhobank #boj
#boj #mizuhobank #upperlimits #peterschiff #japaneseyen #jameslavish #bankofjapan #japaneconomy #increasedrate #benchmarkrate #hedgefundmanager #japanesecentralbank #yieldcurvecontrolmechanism
My wife and I have been (back) in the USA for 14 years. We still sometimes say prices in #JapaneseYen. Still at 100 yen to the dollar though. Wonder if people returning to the USA nowadays are using 140 yen / dollar?
#japaneseyen #japan #lifeinjapan
Japanese Yen Falls to 150 against Dollar for First Time in 32 Years
#bankofjapan #japaneseyen #Currencies #MarketNews #usdollar #News
#BankofJapan #japaneseyen #Currencies #MarketNews #USDollar #news
Bank of Japan Intervenes in Foreign Exchange Markets After Yen Slips to 24-Year Low
#ForeignExchangeMarkets #benchmarkinterestrate #Buy-Sideforexmarkets #fallingcurrency #SteveGoldstein #MichaelHewson #fiatcurrency #intervention #BankofJapan #Japaneseyen #24-yearlow #Economics #Greenback #USdollars #Buy-Side #lowrates #USdollar #Dollars #Dollar #forex #1998 #BOJ #USD
#ForeignExchangeMarkets #benchmarkinterestrate #buy #fallingcurrency #SteveGoldstein #MichaelHewson #fiatCurrency #intervention #BankofJapan #japaneseyen #economics #Greenback #USdollars #lowrates #USDollar #Dollars #DOLLAR #forex #BOJ #USD