Japan PM aide told off by his ‘ashamed’ mother for putting hands in pockets on Biden trip
#JapanMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS
Social media users said Seiji Kihara had bad manners and ‘more attitude than the prime minister’ but it was his mother’s comments that struck homeA senior aide to Japan’s prime minister, Fumio Kishida, ...
#japanmews #asiapacificmews #worldnewsmews
Ageing planet: the new demographic timebomb
#PopulationMEWS #OlderPeopleMEWS #PensionsIndustryMEWS #FranceMEWS #AgeingMEWS #JapanMEWS #IndiaMEWS #ChinaMEWS #EuropeMEWS #ScienceMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS
India is about to overtake China as the most populous country, but as birthrates fall we’re facing life in a greyer world. Are we ready for the physical, political and financial challenges ahead...
#populationmews #olderpeoplemews #pensionsindustrymews #francemews #ageingmews #japanmews #indiamews #chinamews #europemews #sciencemews #worldnewsmews
‘Not soulless blocks of rice’: the secret world of Japan’s robot sushi chefs
#JapanMEWS #FoodMEWS #AsiaPacificMEWS #WorldNewsMEWS #TechnologyMEWS
Cutting-edge technology is helping food chains reach the holy grail of flawless, contactless, low-budget diningThe secret behind the hi-tech future of sushi lies in an unremarkable building in the backstreets of Osaka.Inside...
#japanmews #foodmews #asiapacificmews #worldnewsmews #technologymews