Kirjoitin #Kiiltomato-sivustolle pelillisestä Valvojat-teoksesta arvion, joka kommentoi samalla Helsingin Sanomien kritiikkiä samaisesta teoksesta. Sisältää pelillistä analyysia ja termejä! #kirjallisuus #pelit #ergodisuus #jargon #pelisuunnittelu
#kiiltomato #kirjallisuus #pelit #ergodisuus #jargon #pelisuunnittelu
Management word of the day - Multi-dimensional!
Bookmarking this link to remind myself about #keyboard #layout #jargon later on
Apparently I like to use a "75%" ISO layout (but UK flavour). A "TKS" or "Ten Keyless" model works almost as well
Whoever is versed in the jargon does not have to say what he thinks, does not even have to think it properly. The jargon takes over this task and devalues thought. . . . The words of the jargon sound as if they said something higher than what they mean. . . . As frozen emanations, the terms of the jargon of authenticity are products of the disintegration of the aura. . . . Those who have run out of Holy Spirit speak with mechanical tongues. #Adorno #jargon
Please boost! I am starting a collection of #unhingedjargon from across the #fediverse.
This is an open invitation to send me your wildest, most incomprehensible, insanity inducing #jargon, #buzzwords, and useless acronyms from whatever spaces you hang out in.
Here are some that get thrown around in #programming and IT spaces to help start your collection.
Borked: broken or messed up. Dysfunctional.
Clobber: to override something, especially system settings.
Gronk: to think or understand.
#unhingedjargon #fediverse #jargon #buzzwords #programming
Random read :
Don't really know how I ended up there but so glad I did😂
I know this involves #Jargon and #Argot. There a space for #Specialised words, and it isn't always to #Hide #Truth.
But the #Police have described #Arrest #StripSearch and #Detention as a #Service
#jargon #argot #specialised #hide #truth #police #arrest #stripsearch #detention #service
"RAIMBAs": "Redundant Array of Inexpensive MBAs",
"RAES": "Redundant Array of Expensive Suits"
#ideasworthspreading #business #acronyms #jargon #language
Näiden epäloogisuuksien lisäksi:
"#Orpo kiersi Brysselissä kysymyksen hallituksen toimintakyvystä,"
#hallitus #hallituskriisi #kokoomus #sinimustahallitus #laitaoikeistohallitus #epäloogisuus #jargon #paskapuhetta #politiikka #yhteiskunta
#orpo #hallitus #hallituskriisi #kokoomus #sinimustahallitus #laitaoikeistohallitus #epaloogisuus #jargon #paskapuhetta #politiikka #yhteiskunta
It’s interesting I’ve experienced hashtag collision for the first time on Mastodon with the programming language and the banking system #swift
I’ve been around both (background in banking IT) so it’s kind of fun seeing what comes across on both. #CollidingTerms #Jargon
#swift #collidingterms #jargon
I don't know why phonologists have decided to call it the rime instead of the rhyme, but the study of syllable structure is going to need to acquire a great many more mariners and albatrosses before I can get condone these types of jargony shenanigans.
(Next up: plotting negative UP in ERP graphs. Jeepers, what a load of baloney.)
#linguistics #phonology #jargon #nonsense #shenanigans
After pressing on play now, Lutris says that #Aion has been installed but there are still some #problems.
Problems like #technical #jargon being brought up. Asks me to choose another #Wine version. Lucky for me I know that I can right click on the game and select "Configure".
This is what happened in the error popups:
#Wine #jargon #technical #problems #aion
Cartoon by Fiona Katauskas from the Guardian 24 June 2023
To me, "woke" means awake, alert and/or aware. To those who use it as a pejorative, does the word actually have a meaning?
#RightWing #Conservative #Jargon
#rightwing #conservative #jargon
Interesting that Microsoft Outlook's grammar tips function suggests that I change 'keep in touch' in my emails to 'stay connected'.
These phrases mean different things and have a different vibe to them. No-one in the UK says 'stay connected', ever. #jargon #language #Microsoft
I accidentally use a monthly 'free article' on HBR every time my work's Officevibe survey asks about 'Recognition' as I have to remind myself what it means in the business lingo. It seems that "Recognition is about giving positive feedback based on results or performance."
This toot is here so I can search for it. #recognition #officevibe #jargon
#recognition #officevibe #jargon
To call someone a "thought leader” is so thoroughly weird. In it, I hear that those being “led” don't have any worthy thoughts of their own. Or the “leader" is doing Jedi mind tricks on anyone in earshot. Or it's a cult.
#doubletalk #jargon #CorporateSpeak