Happy Birthday Ahmed Best! Aka Jar Jar Binks in The Prequels, the voice of Jar Jar in The Clone Wars and Kelleran Beq in The Mandalorian!
He was born August 19, 1973 and turns 50 today.
#ahmedbest #jarjarbinks #StarWars
El 19 de agosto de 1973 nace el actor Ahmed Best, Jar Jar Binks en los episodios I-III y el maestro Jedi Kelleran Beq en Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge y en The Mandalorian.
On August 19, 1973, actor Ahmed Best, Jar Jar Binks in episodes I-III, and Jedi Master Kelleran Beq in Star Wars: Jedi Temple Challenge and The Mandalorian, was born.
#kelleranbeq #jarjarbinks #ahmedbest #starwars
Really, really loved listening to the six episode podcast series The Redemption of Jar Jar Binks. Such a sensitively told account of everything from the conception of the character to the drama and hate, and does not shy away from the nuances of why different audiences may have felt the way they did about the character. Features extensive interviews with Ahmed Best, who just seems like the most lovely human being. An example of what an excellent format podcasting can be and how wonderful and moving it is to hear a complex aspect of your favourite media franchises explored with care. Dylan Marron does a superb job.
#starwars #podcasts #ahmedbest #jarjarbinks
The Redemption of Jar Jar Binks
#StarWars #JarJarBinks
This needs to get spread around. The amount of toxicity towards a character that bleeds through to the actor is unconscionable. #StarWars #JarJarBinks
It reminds my of the story of Michelle Trachenberg leaving a sing-along screening of “Once More with Feeling" after the audience yelled "Shut up, Dawn” #BuffyTheVampireSlayer
#starwars #jarjarbinks #buffythevampireslayer
Porque ainda não ouvia podcasts suficientes, comecei a ouvir um novo, "The Redemption of Jar Jar Binks". É uma reavaliação do ódio à volta da personagem #JarJarBinks e de como se propagou numa internet ainda a dar os primeiros passos.
Narrado por Dylan Marron que talvez conheçam do #podcast Conversations with People Who Hate Me.
Hedwig Freys poetischer Schnecken-Brunnen von 1952 bei der Breitematte. (ein wenig umgibt ihn die Aura eines #jarjarbinks)
I found a little shop right up my alley 😊 #thisistheway #jarjarbinks #ewok #starwars #bankholidayweekend
#thisistheway #jarjarbinks #ewok #starwars #bankholidayweekend
#MayTheFourthBeWithYou! Angesichts des #OvershootDay und der wachsenden #Klimakrise könnten wir tatsächlich jede Macht brauchen...
Nichtsdestotrotz ein lustiges Video mit schlechten Wortspielen und noch schlechterer #JarJarBinks-Imitation. 😉
#maythefourthbewithyou #overshootday #klimakrise #jarjarbinks
‘The Mandalorian’: Return Of The (Ahmed) Best
Ahmed Best, once maligned as the actor behind Jar Jar Binks, returns to the Star Wars Universe in 'The Mandalorian'. (SPOILERS)
#Fandom #Movies/Video/Theater #AhmedBest #JarJarBinks #KellaranBeq #StarWars #TheMandalorian
#fandom #movies #ahmedbest #jarjarbinks #kellaranbeq #starwars #themandalorian
So happy to see Ahmed Best back in Star Wars, made him a Jedi, Kelleran Beq is a bad ass!
#starwars #themandalorian #kelleranbeq #jarjarbinks
RT @bleedingcool: #AhmedBest on why he was initially reluctant to return to #StarWars as #KelleranBeq in #TheMandalorian after the #JarJarBinks backlash. / #Lucasfilm #DisneyPlus https://t.co/IWEx8w265o
#disneyplus #lucasfilm #jarjarbinks #TheMandalorian #kelleranbeq #StarWars #ahmedbest
Nice to see the return of #AhmedBest to the #StarWars world. He got a lot of hate for his portrayal as #JarJarBinks and he genuinely seems like the nicest guy IRL. 😎
#ahmedbest #starwars #jarjarbinks
Until recently I didn’t know much to nothing about #starwars or #jedi - and it turned out the Star Wars movies from my childhood were complete, unwatchable rubbish.🫢
(Looking at you, #jarjarbinks!)
And now I am a small illuminated #padawan.
At least for a second in my children’s room.
#starwars #jedi #jarjarbinks #padawan #lightsword #lasersword #glowstick
Daily Sketch Challenge 28/02/23 (there wasn't one yesterday). Jar Jar Binks.
"Let da haten flowen through yousa!"
#dailysketchchallenge #starwars #jarjar #jarjarbinks #darthjarjarbinks #darthjarjar
#dailysketchchallenge #starwars #jarjar #jarjarbinks #darthjarjarbinks #darthjarjar
Der Alfred der Woche!
#alfredeneumann #alfredeneuman #mad #madmagazine #alt #retro #sammlung #zeichnung #comics #comicheft #comickritik #2000er #starwars #kriegdersterne #jarjarbinks #naboo #obiwankenobi #georgelucas
#alfredeneumann #alfredeneuman #mad #madmagazine #alt #retro #sammlung #zeichnung #comics #comicheft #comickritik #2000er #starwars #kriegdersterne #jarjarbinks #naboo #obiwankenobi #georgelucas
#StarWars #32 variant covers have also dropped, and weesa liken dese!
- #JarJarBinks action figure cover by John Tyler Christopher
- #ReturnOfTheJedi 40th Anniversary variant by Chris Sprouse, with inks by Karl Story & colours by Neeraj Menon
Catch these on March 1st as well!
#starwars #jarjarbinks #returnofthejedi
I forget where I found this.