was in grocery store & overheard 2🚫😷people talking about #IF #intermittentFasting like it was the newest discovery
Myself found out about it in 2018, 2 full yrs after #JasonFung 1st book on #obesity
Been obsessed w/#Covid since 12/2019 but REALLY kicked into high gear after my 2nd 1/2022 trying to understand #wtf happened since was promised AT LEAST 2 yrs immunity #hybridImmunity 🙄
Hence by my calculation, masses won’t understand gravity for 3-4 yrs which will be far too late #CovidIsNotOver
#if #intermittentfasting #jasonfung #obesity #wtf #hybridimmunity #CovidIsNotOver
After waking up just after midnight this morning, I decided for 2 reasons to cut my plan to do a 30-day fast for 2 reasons:
1. Sleep suffers after a few days due to cortisol build-up when not eating food - just not worth it & the weight will melt off with rolling 96-hour fasts instead, and
2. #RefeedSyndrome, which is potentially very dangerous & inconvenient as well. Fasting longer than 5-7 days & it's a risk, as Dr. #JasonFung mentions.
- Rolling 96's = Much wiser.
#refeedsyndrome #jasonfung #intermittentfasting