Bodhi O'Shea · @Bodhioshea
225 followers · 970 posts · Server

“The empirical record is clear that GDP growth is tightly coupled to resource use. The more an economy grows, the more resources it uses. Aggregate resource use is in turn the main driver of ecological breakdown, accounting for more than 90 per cent of the variation in environmental damage indicators, and more than 90 per cent of total global biodiversity loss. Industrial ecologists indicate that global resource use should not exceed a total of 50 billion tons per year, in terms of both biotic and abiotic materials. The world economy shot past this threshold in the late 1990s and resource use has continued to accelerate since then. As of 2020, the economy is using more than 100 billion tons of resources per year, thus exceeding the sustainable limit by a factor of two.”

A New Political Economy for a Healthy Planet


Last updated 2 years ago

Biff Vernon · @biffvernon
769 followers · 2414 posts · Server

Jason Hickel provides the best in-a-nutshell of the term "A contradiction lies at the very centre of the# neoliberal project. On a theoretical level, neoliber- alism promises to bring about a purer form of democracy, unsullied by the tyranny of the state. Indeed, his claim serves as the moral lodestar for neoliberal ideology ... banner under which it justifies radical market dercgulation..."

#neoliberal #anticapitalism #socialism #economics #jasonhickel #unequalexchange #globalism #neoliberalism

Last updated 2 years ago

Filipe · @filipesm
16 followers · 170 posts · Server
Altreconomia · @altreconomia
203 followers · 914 posts · Server