Gizmodo: Scott Pilgrim Takes Off in First Look at Netflix's New Anime Series #maryelizabethwinstead #jasonschwartzman #josephtrapanese #bryanleeomalley #johnnysimmons #scottpilgrim #annakendrick #kieranculkin #brandonrouth #anamanaguchi #satyabhabha #michaelcera #aubreyplaza #edgarwright #abelgongora #alisonpill #chrisevans #maewhitman #brielarson #markwebber #ellenwong #devilman #bryanlee
#maryelizabethwinstead #jasonschwartzman #josephtrapanese #bryanleeomalley #johnnysimmons #scottpilgrim #annakendrick #kieranculkin #brandonrouth #anamanaguchi #satyabhabha #michaelcera #aubreyplaza #edgarwright #abelgongora #alisonpill #chrisevans #maewhitman #brielarson #markwebber #ellenwong #devilman #bryanlee
Did it hurt? When Jean Weir and Howie Gelfand from Freaks and Geeks didn't snuggle? #FreaksAndGeeks #PaulFeig #JuddApatow #JeanWeir #BeckyAnnBaker #HowieGelfand #JasonSchwartzman
#freaksandgeeks #paulfeig #juddapatow #jeanweir #beckyannbaker #howiegelfand #jasonschwartzman
🥥#JasonSchwartzman should definitely keep the beard, and I'd like to keep #ScarletJohanson.
#AsteroidCity. 🥥
#jasonschwartzman #scarletjohanson #asteroidcity
Kotaku: YouTuber’s Across The Spider-Verse Cosplay Has Working Portals #gaming #tech #kotaku #spidermanacrossthespiderverse #jasonschwartzman #milesmorales #shameikmoore #spiderverse #spiderman #benreilly #jakelaser #cosplay #morales #spot
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #spidermanacrossthespiderverse #jasonschwartzman #milesmorales #shameikmoore #spiderverse #spiderman #benreilly #jakelaser #cosplay #morales #spot
New Yorker: The Missing Bill Murray Part from “Asteroid City” #NewYorker #Culture/CultureDesk #JasonSchwartzman #WesAnderson #BillMurray #Trailers #Film
#newyorker #Culture #jasonschwartzman #WesAnderson #billmurray #trailers #Film
täglich 18.30 & 20.45 Uhr in der Originalversion mit Untertitel bei uns im Lichtspielhaus.
#asteroidcity #wesanderson #jasonschwartzman #scarlettjohansson #tomhanks #tildaswinton #adrienbrody #margotrobbie #rupertfriend #hongchau #bryancranston #stephenpark #jeffreywright #hopedavis #lievschreiber #tonyrevolori #sophialillis #stevepark #jakeryan #mayahawke #fisherstevens ##effgoldblum #mattdillon #ethanjoshlee #ritawilson #graceedwards #edwardnorton #willemdafoe #stevecarell
#asteroidcity #wesanderson #jasonschwartzman #scarlettjohansson #tomhanks #TildaSwinton #adrienbrody #margotrobbie #rupertfriend #hongchau #bryancranston #stephenpark #jeffreywright #hopedavis #lievschreiber #tonyrevolori #sophialillis #stevepark #jakeryan #mayahawke #fisherstevens #effgoldblum #mattdillon #ethanjoshlee #ritawilson #graceedwards #edwardnorton #WillemDafoe #stevecarell
New Yorker: In Wes Anderson’s “Asteroid City,” the Artist Is Present #NewYorker #Culture/TheFrontRow #ScarlettJohansson #JasonSchwartzman #WesAnderson #TomHanks #Films
#newyorker #Culture #scarlettjohansson #jasonschwartzman #WesAnderson #tomhanks #films
Film Review: ASTEROID CITY (2023): Scarlett Johansson and Jason Schwartzman Shine in Wes Anderson’s Magnificent New Gem
#FilmBook #MovieReview #AdrienBrody #AsteroidCity #BryanCranston #EdwardNorton #FocusFeatures #GraceEdwards #HongChau #HopeDavis #JakeRyan #JasonSchwartzman #JeffreyWright #LievSchreiber #MargotRobbie #MattDillon #MayaHawke #MovieReview
#filmbook #moviereview #adrienbrody #asteroidcity #bryancranston #edwardnorton #focusfeatures #graceedwards #hongchau #hopedavis #jakeryan #jasonschwartzman #jeffreywright #lievschreiber #margotrobbie #mattdillon #mayahawke
täglich 18.30 & 20.45 Uhr in der Originalversion mit Untertitel bei uns im Lichtspielhaus.
#asteroidcity #wesanderson #jasonschwartzman #scarlettjohansson #tomhanks #tildaswinton #adrienbrody #margotrobbie #rupertfriend #hongchau #bryancranston #stephenpark #jeffreywright #hopedavis #lievschreiber #tonyrevolori #sophialillis #stevepark #jakeryan #mayahawke #fisherstevens ##effgoldblum #mattdillon #ethanjoshlee #ritawilson #graceedwards #edwardnorton #willemdafoe #stevecarell
#asteroidcity #wesanderson #jasonschwartzman #scarlettjohansson #tomhanks #TildaSwinton #adrienbrody #margotrobbie #rupertfriend #hongchau #bryancranston #stephenpark #jeffreywright #hopedavis #lievschreiber #tonyrevolori #sophialillis #stevepark #jakeryan #mayahawke #fisherstevens #effgoldblum #mattdillon #ethanjoshlee #ritawilson #graceedwards #edwardnorton #WillemDafoe #stevecarell
#SpiderManAcrossTheSpiderVerse: The first #SpiderVerse #film was so good, it changed the modern animation industry.
This sequel is even better.
Full review at Mahan's Media: #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #superhero #animated #multiverse #maximalist #SpiderMan #MilesMorales #SpiderGwen #SpiderMan2099 #SpiderPunk #shameikmoore #haileesteinfeld #oscarisaac #danielkaluuya #jasonschwartzman #issarae
#spidermanacrossthespiderverse #spiderverse #film #movies #filmreview #moviereview #cinema #cinemastodon #superhero #animated #multiverse #maximalist #spiderman #milesmorales #spidergwen #spiderman2099 #spiderpunk #shameikmoore #haileesteinfeld #oscarisaac #danielkaluuya #jasonschwartzman #issarae
Film Review: SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE (2023): Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy Hop Multiverses with Breathtaking Results All Around
#FilmBook #MovieReview #AmandlaStenberg #AndySamberg #BrianTyreeHenry #ChristopherMiller #DanielKaluuya #DaveCallaham #HaileeSteinfeld #IssaRae #JakeJohnson #JasonSchwartzman #JoaquimDosSantos #Jorm
#filmbook #moviereview #amandlastenberg #andysamberg #briantyreehenry #christophermiller #danielkaluuya #davecallaham #haileesteinfeld #issarae #jakejohnson #jasonschwartzman #joaquimdossantos #jorm
Howie Gelfand and Dr. Schweiber from Freaks and Geeks getting together would be super nice! #FreaksAndGeeks #PaulFeig #JuddApatow #HowieGelfand #JasonSchwartzman #DrSchweiber #SamMcMurray
#freaksandgeeks #paulfeig #juddapatow #howiegelfand #jasonschwartzman #drschweiber #sammcmurray
THE HUNGER GAMES: THE BALLAD OF SONGBIRDS & SNAKES (2023) Movie Trailer: Rachel Zegler & Tom Blyth star in the Prequel Film
#FilmBook #MoviePoster #MovieTrailer #AshleyLiao #BurnGorman #CarlSpencer #FionnulaFlanagan #FrancisLawrence #HunterSchafer #JasonSchwartzman #Lionsgate #MoviePoster #MovieTrailer #PeterDinklage #RachelZegler #ScienceFiction #TheHungerGames #TheHungerGames:TheBalladofSongbirds&Snakes #
#filmbook #movieposter #movietrailer #ashleyliao #burngorman #carlspencer #fionnulaflanagan #francislawrence #hunterschafer #jasonschwartzman #lionsgate #peterdinklage #rachelzegler #sciencefiction #thehungergames
SPIDER-MAN: ACROSS THE SPIDER-VERSE (2023) Movie Trailer 2: Thriving Miles Morales meets Spider-People who protect the Multiverse
#FilmBook #MovieTrailer #BrianTyreeHenry #ComicBook #DanielKaluuya #HaileeSteinfeld #IssaRae #JakeJohnson #JasonSchwartzman #JoaquimDosSantos #JustinK.Thompson #KempPowers #MarvelComics #MovieTrailer #OscarIsaac #ScienceFiction #ShameikMoore #SonyPicturesAnimation #Spider-Man:AcrosstheSpide
#filmbook #movietrailer #briantyreehenry #comicbook #danielkaluuya #haileesteinfeld #issarae #jakejohnson #jasonschwartzman #joaquimdossantos #justink #kemppowers #marvelcomics #oscarisaac #sciencefiction #shameikmoore #sonypicturesanimation #spider
On February 19, 1999, Rushmore debuted in the United States. Here’s some Jason Schwartzman art!
#Rushmore #WesAnderson #JasonSchwartzman #ComedyFilm #ComedyDrama #IndieFilm #NationalFilmRegistry #ComedyMovies #Art #PopArt #ModernArt #Drawing #Portrait #FanArt #BookArt #Movies #MovieArt #MovieHistoryÂ
#rushmore #WesAnderson #jasonschwartzman #comedyfilm #comedydrama #indiefilm #nationalfilmregistry #comedymovies #art #popart #modernart #drawing #portrait #FanArt #bookart #movies #movieart #moviehistory
Now I am excited!
A new Wes Anderson film is due in June! “Asteroid City” has a stellar cast, as always, stunning images, as always, and judging from this trailer, one commentator seems to be spot on: “Just when you don’t think it can get more Wes Anderson, it gets more Wes Anderson.”
Thanks 🙏 @luthien1126
for bringing this to my attention with your post
#Film #Films #Movie #Movies #NewFilms #NewMovies #Cinema #AsteroidCity #WesAnderson #ScarlettJohansson #JasonSchwartzman #TildaSwinton #TomHanks #EdwardNorton #AdrienBrody #LievSchreiber #HopeDavis #MattDillon #WillemDafoe #MargotRobbie #JeffGoldblum
#film #films #movie #movies #newfilms #newmovies #cinema #asteroidcity #WesAnderson #scarlettjohansson #jasonschwartzman #tildaswinton #tomhanks #edwardnorton #adrienbrody #lievschreiber #hopedavis #mattdillon #WillemDafoe #margotrobbie #jeffgoldblum
"Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" has earned a place as a cult classic, but stars Jason Schwartzman and Michael Cera tell us why they'll always love the movie, no matter what.
#ScottPilgrim #ScottPilgrimvstheWorld #MichaelCera #JasonSchwartzman #Film #Movies #movienews #entertainment
#scottpilgrim #scottpilgrimvstheworld #michaelcera #jasonschwartzman #film #movies #movienews #Entertainment
Hotel Chevalier is a perfectly choreographed and scored short film.
#film #cinema #wesanderson #petersarstedt #natalieportman #jasonschwartzman
#jasonschwartzman #natalieportman #petersarstedt #WesAnderson #cinema #film
#GiancarloEsposito is joining the cast of #FrancisFordCoppola’s epic #Megalopolis, which also stars #AdamDriver, #ForestWhitaker, #LaurenceFishburne, #AubreyPlaza, #ShiaLaBeouf, #ChloeFineman, #DustinHoffman, #DBSweeney, #TaliaShire, #JasonSchwartzman, and #JamesRemar. Despite reports of the film spiraling out of control, Coppola says it is on schedule and on budget. #movies
#giancarloesposito #francisfordcoppola #megalopolis #adamdriver #forestwhitaker #laurencefishburne #aubreyplaza #shialabeouf #chloefineman #dustinhoffman #dbsweeney #taliashire #jasonschwartzman #jamesremar #movies
On January 14, 2005 I Heart Huckabees debuted in Greece. Here’s a drawing of Jason Schwartzman to mark the occasion!
#IHeartHuckabees #JasonSchwartzman #ScrewballComedy #PhilosophicalFilm #ExistentialistFilm #BlackComedy #Satire #2000sMovies #Movies #FanArt #MovieArt #MastoArt #MovieHistory
#ihearthuckabees #jasonschwartzman #screwballcomedy #philosophicalfilm #existentialistfilm #blackcomedy #Satire #2000smovies #movies #FanArt #movieart #MastoArt #moviehistory