Jason Star Galactica
Episode X
Jason Vs Ash
Deadite Slasher stands face to face with Deadite Slayer. Machete and chainsaw ready.
The rickety Morris Minor of a ship haunts Earth 2's orbit, destined to fall apart.
Ash backs away, turns and heads for the docking bay where Brodski's brightly coloured spacesuit hangs.


#evildead #ftt #jasonstargalactica #immortalis #cw #horror

Last updated 2 years ago

Jason Star Galactica
Episode X
Jason Vs Ash 5
KM raises her weapon, fires at Jason, his newly formed armour protects him. He strides forth and the trio scramble through the broken mirror and into the corridors once again.
'Keep moving,' Ripley states.

'I'll meet you in the cockpit.'
'Where are you going?' KM asks.
'I've got a plan.' Ripley sprints to the loading bay, calling Jason, goading him every step of the way,

#scifi #jasonx #immortalis #cw #horror #jasonstargalactica

Last updated 2 years ago

Ash · @Ashy_slashee
128 followers · 120 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

Jason kicks aside the pulse rifle, strides towards Ripley. She leans against the structure, sweat pouring down her face, expecting certain death.

'Hey Douchebag! Got a little something for ya!' Ash chirps in. He looks over his shoulder, 'c'mon then,' no you don't look stupid!'

#ftt #evildead #jasonstargalactica #immortalis #cw #horror #horrormovies

Last updated 2 years ago

Ash · @Ashy_slashee
128 followers · 120 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

the table, turns her around * lifts up her-

*90 seconds later.*

'Our odds have grown to 80%.'

'Because you just had an upgrade, baby!'

Out in the corridor Jason stalks Ripley, drives her towards her allies. The ship shakes, she drops her weapon but keeps moving until cornered.

#ftt #evildead #jasonstargalactica #immortalis #cw #horror #horrormovies

Last updated 2 years ago

Ash · @Ashy_slashee
128 followers · 120 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

'I'm a man,' Ash explains to KM as she sits on the table undergoing a 'compulsory' inspection, 'and you're a woman, or droid. I'm not choosy. Give it to me straight, what are odds?'

'Our odds of survival are 12%.'

'C'mon baby, give me some sugar here. Can't we do better?'
'The odds of our survival are low but...' Ash's lips lock on hers. 'The odds just went up by 15%.'

'Really, well there's a whole lot more where that came from.' Ash pulls KM from

#evildead #jasonstargalactica #immortalis #cw

Last updated 2 years ago

Jason Star Galactica
Episode X
Jason Vs Ash 4
Jason smells the blood of The Chosen One, he follows its path.
The crew gather by the escape pod, attempt to release the doors, but the impact of Solaris has damaged the mechanism. It flusters, fuel line still attached. It rises, pulls and blows. In that moment Ash seizes an opportunity, pulls KM into one of the side rooms as Ripley races to the grunts' armory.

#ftt #evildead #jasonstargalactica #immortalis #cw #horror #horrormovies

Last updated 2 years ago

Jason Star Galactica
Episode X
Jason Vs Ash 3
As Ripley and Tsunaron haul Brodski to the nanobed, Jason heads to the virtual reality suite. He senses noise and movement, an individual set apart from the others, lost in another world.

Macready wields a chainsaw as the Kundarian demon sweeps through the trees. Daedites lunge at him, he hacks their reanimated corpses to pieces, and in their wake stands Jason.

#horror #fridaythe13th #evildead #jasonstargalactica #immortalis #cw

Last updated 2 years ago

Ash · @Ashy_slashee
128 followers · 120 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

Only Weyland wanted him alive, so I'm going with dead.'

'Seconded,' calls Ash, 'although that might be problematic with this fella!'

'Tracking him now, he is in the hold. I'm going in.'

'He's going in,' Vasquez mutters as she sits on the nano-bed, 'I feel safer already! '

'Wells, you read me?' Brodski asks from the depths of darkness.

'Read you loud and clear. I sense movement down by the loading bay entrance...

#evildead #horrormovies #jasonstargalactica #cw #immortalis #scifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Ash · @Ashy_slashee
128 followers · 120 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

open and he exits, not paying attention to his surroundings.

The blade falls and his new, perfect hand drops to the floor. Ash dives back in and presses the emergency lock.

'Looks like I'm staying after all,' he smiles as KM treats his wound.

'Brodski, Wells, Over.' Tsunaron calls.

'Brodski here,' a voice replies.

'We have a hostile on board, repeat, we have a hostile on board.'

'We are on it,' Brodski replies, 'dead or alive?'

#ftt #horrormovies #jasonstargalactica #cw #immortalis

Last updated 2 years ago

Ash · @Ashy_slashee
128 followers · 120 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

Actually,' Tsunaron interjects, 'we did bring him on board, but our equipment shows that he is very, very dead.'

'Trust me kid, dead is never better. You think it's...' He hesitates, 'what do you mean on board, you mean here?'

'Like I said, he's dead.' Tsunaron assures.

'Well, if you don't mind I shall just be taking a short trip down to the escape pod...' Ash rises and backs out of the room, 'would love to stay and help but...' The door slides-

#jasonstargalactica #cw #immortalis #scifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Ash · @Ashy_slashee
128 followers · 120 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club

'Great,' Ash snipes, 'pleased for you. How about that?' He redirects, 'new hand and beer. Looks like today's my lucky day,' he eyeballs KM, 'fancy being my horseshoe?'

'KM is a mechanoid, and you are lucky we found you.'

'Good thing you didn't bring back my gomp eyed foe!' Ash laughs, 'it's a lot to take in, future, new Earth. New Earth can do without that pest, let me tell you.'

#horrormovies #jasonstargalactica #cw #immortalis #scifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Jason Star Galactica
Episode X
Jason Vs Ash 2
Masterchief guides the ship through space, his course is set for Solaris. Unbeknown to him a danger roams the ship. The crew gather in the Nano lab, astounded by Ash's greed. Macready rapidly recovers.

Macready examines his new arm, his eyes flick to Ash, he notices that Ash's missing hand has also been replaced.

#ftt #horrormovies #jasonstargalactica #cw #immortalis #scifi

Last updated 2 years ago