In "Fierce Ambition" former MI6 agent Katniss Shultz (#Rihanna) provides justice after moving to a small town in rural Maine and facing increasingly vicious local harassment led by the bloodthirsty ninja Holden Damon (#JasonStatham). - #CineMastodon #Movies
#rihanna #jasonstatham #cinemastodon #movies
Gizmodo: The 20 Most Bizarre Products We Found on AliExpress #notoriousmarkets #emmanuelmacron #humaninterest #dropshipping #jasonstatham #alibabagroup #aliexpress #davidlynch #alibaba #amazon #etsy #ebay
#notoriousmarkets #emmanuelmacron #humaninterest #dropshipping #jasonstatham #alibabagroup #aliexpress #davidlynch #alibaba #amazon #etsy #ebay
Gizmodo: Jason Momoa Will Be an Even Bigger Scumbag in Fast XI, Says Director #entertainmentculture #jasonmomoawill #louisleterrier #dwaynejohnson #jasonstatham #fastfurious #hernanreyes #deckardshaw #jasonmomoa #dantereyes #imaxfilms #lukehobbs #dante #fastx #dom
#entertainmentculture #jasonmomoawill #louisleterrier #dwaynejohnson #jasonstatham #fastfurious #hernanreyes #deckardshaw #jasonmomoa #dantereyes #imaxfilms #lukehobbs #dante #fastx #dom
5% enjoyably stupid
95% just plain stupid
Full review at Mahan's Media: #action #adventure #scifi #horror #creaturefeature #benwheatley #jasonstatham #juwing #cliffcurtis #environmentalism #megalodon #captainplanetcinematicuniverse
#meg2thetrench #action #adventure #scifi #horror #creaturefeature #benwheatley #jasonstatham #juwing #cliffcurtis #environmentalism #megalodon #captainplanetcinematicuniverse
The Tyee: Why We’re Fascinated with Monstrous Sharks #bcnews #TheTyee - via #ElDemonioNegro #Meg2:TheTrench #PeterBenchley #TheBlackDemon #JasonStatham #BenWheatley #sharkfilms #Jaws
#BCNews #TheTyee #eldemonionegro #meg2 #peterbenchley #theblackdemon #jasonstatham #benwheatley #sharkfilms #jaws
Just watched #TheMeg2
I absolutely loved it. Took me right back to being a kid and watching the #SciFi channel film of the week.
It was just pure spectacle! Fun action, solid comedy and a lot of monster shark shenanigans.
#themeg2 #SciFi #themeg #thetrench #jasonstatham #monster #sharks
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: 'Meg 2': You're Gonna Need a Bigger Suspension of Disbelief #Jezebel #megasharkversusmechashark #sharksinpopularculture #jonasjasonstatham #greatwhiteshark #jonturteltaub #meg2thetrench #jamescameron #jasonstatham #erichhoeber #benwheatley #megstatham #greatwhite #megalodon #sophiacai #thetrench #chineseco #jonhoeber #themeg #wujing #sharks #titan #films #jaws
#jezebel #megasharkversusmechashark #sharksinpopularculture #jonasjasonstatham #greatwhiteshark #jonturteltaub #meg2thetrench #jamescameron #jasonstatham #erichhoeber #benwheatley #megstatham #greatwhite #megalodon #sophiacai #thetrench #chineseco #jonhoeber #themeg #wujing #sharks #Titan #films #jaws
Gizmodo: Meg 2 Tries and Fails to Be Big, Dumb Fun #entertainmentculture #harrygregsonwilliams #megprimalwaters #meg2thetrench #jasonstatham #benwheatley #jonastaylor #pagekennedy #meggriffin #sophiacai #thetrench #megara #wujing #themeg #films #meg2
#entertainmentculture #harrygregsonwilliams #megprimalwaters #meg2thetrench #jasonstatham #benwheatley #jonastaylor #pagekennedy #meggriffin #sophiacai #thetrench #megara #wujing #themeg #films #meg2
Gizmodo: 10 Shark and Sea Monster Movies to Stream Ahead of The Meg 2: The Trench #itcamefrombeneaththesea #rambofirstbloodpartii #richardfleischer #georgepcosmatos #michaelrapaport #rayharryhausen #stephensommers #samuelljackson #kristenstewart #shelleywinters #jessicahenwick #vincentcassel #mamoudouathie #williameubank #jonturteltaub #marianatrench #famkejanssen #jasonstatham #tommywiseau #kirkdouglas #themeg
#itcamefrombeneaththesea #rambofirstbloodpartii #richardfleischer #georgepcosmatos #michaelrapaport #rayharryhausen #stephensommers #samuelljackson #kristenstewart #shelleywinters #jessicahenwick #vincentcassel #mamoudouathie #williameubank #jonturteltaub #marianatrench #famkejanssen #jasonstatham #tommywiseau #kirkdouglas #themeg
Nuevo cartel español de #Megalodon2LaFosa Secuela de Megalodón. Vuelve #JasonStatham a enfrentarse al gigantesco escualo pehistórico, junto a un equipo de investigación en una inmersión exploratoria en las profundidades del océano. 4 de agosto en cines
#megalodon2lafosa #jasonstatham
My review of the movie Cellular (2004) – Just Your Typical Action Film #ActionMovie #ChrisEvans #JasonStatham #JessicaBiehl #KimBasinger #moviereview #WilliamHMacy
#actionmovie #chrisevans #jasonstatham #jessicabiehl #kimbasinger #moviereview #williamhmacy
In the quiet words of the virgin Mary-come again. Brick top..
haven't heard his colloquial humor in a while.
#snatch #jasonstatham #pigs #bradpitt #movies #music #guyritchie
#snatch #jasonstatham #pigs #bradpitt #movies #music #guyritchie
'Meg 2' director Ben Wheatley talks about Jason Statham's love for doing his own stunts #Meg #BenWheatley #JasonStatham #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #jasonstatham #benwheatley #meg
Gizmodo: Updates From TMNT: Mutant Mayhem, The Meg 2, and More #teenagemutantninjaturtles #entertainmentculture #comicssuperheroes #fictionalmutants #davidgordongreen #fictionalturtles #joshhutcherson #jonathansmith #morganfreeman #mutantmayhem #jasonstatham #thomashayden #bladerunner #zacharylevi #theexorcist #nickyfury #donatello #roybatty #jeffrowe #michael #mayhem #disney #krang #arnie #meg
#teenagemutantninjaturtles #entertainmentculture #comicssuperheroes #fictionalmutants #davidgordongreen #fictionalturtles #joshhutcherson #jonathansmith #morganfreeman #mutantmayhem #jasonstatham #thomashayden #bladerunner #zacharylevi #theexorcist #nickyfury #donatello #roybatty #jeffrowe #michael #mayhem #disney #krang #arnie #meg
In "Killing Pandemonium" a band of veteran mercenaries (#JesseEisenberg, #JuliaStiles, #LiamNeeson) seek payback after being falsely accused of false accounting by a trio of frantic supremacists (#EvaMendes, #JamesFranco, #JasonStatham). - #CineMastodon #Movies
#jesseeisenberg #juliastiles #liamneeson #evamendes #jamesfranco #jasonstatham #cinemastodon #movies
#charlizetheron #JasonStatham #MarkWahlberg #シャーリーズ・セロン #ミニミニ大作戦
#charlizetheron #jasonstatham #markwahlberg #シャーリーズ・セロン #ミニミニ大作戦
In "Last Wedding" veteran CIA agent Henry Huxley (#KeanuReeves) serves payback after the robbery of a department store in a small town in rural Illinois gone wrong and the brutal capitalist Cleo Legend (#LindsayLohan) and the deadly chauvinist Jagger Turk (#JasonStatham) putting a $4 million price tag on his head. - #CineMastodon #Revenge #Movies
#keanureeves #lindsaylohan #jasonstatham #cinemastodon #revenge #movies
The #Expendables4 trailer gave me the impression #MeganFox was playing Lacy, the role #CharismaCarpenter originated, but Fox is a new character Gina. Both had romantic histories w/ #JasonStatham's #Character, #LeeChristmas. #Movies
#expendables4 #meganfox #charismacarpenter #jasonstatham #character #leechristmas #movies