Already acquainted with the #Java release cadence & #Java17? Explore the #JavaRecord feature that allows immutable classes.
Discover how this new feature can be used in your project code & how to make a clean & better design. Unlock its potential with this #InfoQ tutorial by Otavio Santana:
#java #java17 #javarecord #infoq
Are you still stuck on Java 8? It's time to make the switch to Java 17! check the new features and best practices for migrating to the latest version. 📷
#Java #Java17 #Java8 #programming #softwaredevelopment #SoftwareEngineering #SoftwareArchitecture
#java #java17 #java8 #programming #softwaredevelopment #softwareengineering #softwarearchitecture
New post: Java Interview Question 2 – Duplicate Integers and Sort Development #java #interview #test #softwareengineer #tdd #blacktiktok #blacktechtwitter #java17 #junit5
#java #interview #test #softwareengineer #tdd #blacktiktok #BlackTechTwitter #java17 #junit5
#java #Java17 #functional #spring #vavr
Using pattern matching with sealed interfaces and the vavr Either type to give a much cleaner way to handle errors in a Spring Rest controller
#java #java17 #functional #Spring #vavr