It was my first #JavaLand experience and I really loved it.❤️ Many talks to learn from, many people to talk to and a astounding variety of topics for a dev conference 😇
I will definetly go there next year. Maybe with my first own talk? We'll see 😉
Thanks to all, who attended and contributed to this event!
#jatumba #javaland23 #javaland2023
#javaland #jatumba #javaland23 #javaland2023
How to start a talk about Anxiety in Tech? With Rammstein - Angst, of course! #javaland #javaland2023
It's been a while. My first conference since probably 2019; and the first time at #javaland. The venue is magical :) Hopefully the talks will be inspiring and informative. Any fellow mastodon users here as well? #javaland2023
Packt eure MINT/STEM-Spielsachen ein, am Montag und Mittwoch werden die auf der @JavaLandConf ausgepackt und wir werden viel Spaß haben!
#javaland #javaland2023 #mint #stem #calliope
Auf der #JavaLand2023 dürfen zum ersten Mal auch große Kinder mit Klemmbausteinen Roboter bauen und andere "MINT-Spielzeuge" ausprobieren und sich untereinander austauschen.
Ich freu' mich!
#javaland2023 #javaland #javaland23 #mint