#DerangedKing #CriminalDefendantTrump is going to come more unglued today #JaVanka just got subpoenaed by #JackSmith JUST IN: Donald #TraitorTrump Screams About ‘World War III’ After Disturbing Easter Message. #TrumpCrimeFamily
#derangedking #criminaldefendanttrump #javanka #jacksmith #TraitorTrump #trumpcrimefamily
The elephant in the room is, why not a peep from the DOJ about #JaVanka walking away from the White House with a cool $600M? Being the crime boss #TraitorTrumps 'advisors' pays that much? Give me a break. Where is the media? Why aren't democrats opening investigations or at least screaming about THAT? Who is protecting them? FOLLOW THE MONEY #TrumpCrimeSyndictate #ArrestJaredKushner #ArrestIvanka #ArrestTrumpNow #ArrestTrumpCrimeFamily #MerrickGarlandIsComplicit
#arresttrumpcrimefamily #merrickgarlandiscomplicit #javanka #traitortrumps #trumpcrimesyndictate #arrestjaredkushner #arrestivanka #ArrestTrumpNow
Yep. Not a single, solitary, one of them thought “hey, I’m pretty sure this is immoral, if not illegal. I should probably call the FBI.” #SCROTUS made at least $26million while in office while his #WHAdvisors #Javanka raked in an alleged $640 Million.
Not one single person, and I’m including #BobWoodward and #MAGAHabberman in that number.
#scrotus #whadvisors #javanka #bobwoodward #magahabberman