I don't know what to add anymore
#Youtube Link parsers,
#RSS feed for everything
#Music #Webring
#Jukebox ftontpage randomizer
#Comment / #IRC / #Discord section
#Multiple #Music players
#Fake #youtube site (unresoundtracker)
#search bar
#code collection page
#garbage #javascriot games
#even friggin #qrcode de/encoder
I'm done ...
(I always say that. See u at the next #butterfly )
#stuffalcea #website #youtube #rss #music #webring #jukebox #comment #irc #discord #multiple #fake #makeshift #linkshortener #search #code #garbage #javascriot #even #qrcode #butterfly
@defuneste I work at a private company and our blog/Website is for internal use only. #quarto is fantastic as you can use bash, #rstats, #python and #javascriot in one and the same document, so everyone from r&d to backend to frontend can contribute. Hence, whipping up a proof of concept is fairly straight forward.
#quarto #rstats #python #javascriot
I was inspired by someone asking about a #math library that can work on flat arrays that are #webGL ready. I quickly prototyped how I would build it. Has lots of fun TypeArray trickery that you may not know about.
#threejs #gamedev #javascriot #metaverse
#metaverse #javascriot #gamedev #threejs #webgl #math
I did a small rewrite of my #SanMateoCounty (California) election map script into #Javascriot with #d3 and threw it up on the web:
#sanmateocounty #javascriot #d3