Yes, rendering for and would be great.

Before we stopped using , we noticed how they handled rendering. Basically a system. To react in anyway different to simply 'Like', the user would be directed to another page for more options. The buttons were Like, React (for a new page with 'Haha', 'Sad' etc), Comment and Share.

Is (wasm) used for anything in masto? If you switch off wasm do things work the same?

#javascriptfree #pleroma #mastodon #fakebook #serverside #pagination #webassembly

Last updated 4 years ago

AndrĂ© · @aev
4 followers · 101 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

Oh, dear: the and the of are terribly horrifying. There's a great example of how NOT to make a web application. It doesn't even inform the innocent passer-by that it requires . Us and browsers are met with a broken . Modern Javascript frameworks like even support a module to push an GUI to the visitor whether they use JS or not. Please use that!

#userexperience #FrontEnt #webdev #twitchtv #javascript #javascriptfree #SecurityConscious #gui #angular #serverside #accessible

Last updated 5 years ago