Recording of my talk at #JavaZone on #sociotechnical systems and #agile is available at
#javazone #sociotechnical #agile
Cirkus #javazone was absolutely wonderful, oh maybe except for the beer collapse on Wednesday with incidentally coincided with the great musical show with Mister Orkester
Working on an IT #platform. Wondering why so much resources are spent, meetings, and coordination. Do your platform have value for your users? This presentation is a fantastic firework that you should watch #javazone
JavaZone Spotlight: "Quarkus for Spring Developers" with Eric Deandrea on Thurs, Sept 07th, 11:40 AM – 12:40 PM
Check out all the Quarkus sessions:
JavaZone Spotlight: "Quarkus 3: The Road to Loom for Cheaper, Faster, and Easier Concurrent Applications" with Daniel Oh on Wed, September 6th 11:40 AM – 12:40 PM
Check out all the Quarkus sessions:
JavaZone Spotlight: "Quarkus Workshops Workshop: Quarkus Deep Dive" with Kevin Dubois on Tuesday, Sept 5th, 9:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Check out all the Quarkus sessions:
JavaZone 2023 is a week away.
Dont miss these great Quarkus sessions:
The schedule for #JavaZone next month has just been released and my talk on #SocioTechnicalSystems and #OpenSystemsTheory will be on Thursday 7th at 10:20 in Room 7 – in Norwegian this time. Hope to see you there.
#OpenSystems #SystemsThinking
#javazone #sociotechnicalsystems #opensystems #systemsthinking #opensystemstheory
Quarkus is Rocking JavaZone!
Nå er det skikkelig offisielt! Gleder meg til å dra på #javazone igjen for å snakke om samarbeid på tvers av roller og fag ❤️
Har havnet langt pokkerivold nedi et kaninhull og vurderer nesten å pitche et foredrag om BPMN og UX og hvor langt nedi stacken du kan ha bruk for en «sånn der designer» til #javazone, men hvordan i pokker skal jeg vinkle det? Og er det egentlig så veldig interessant?
#DZone #JavaZone "Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding in Java" #Java #Polymorphism #Binding ...
#dzone #javazone #java #polymorphism #binding
#DZone #JavaZone "Polymorphism and Dynamic Binding in Java" #Java #Polymorphism #Binding ...
#binding #polymorphism #java #javazone #dzone
#DZone #JavaZone "Control Your Data Structures" #Java #Data #Structures ...
#dzone #javazone #java #data #structures
#DZone #JavaZone "Control Your Data Structures" #Java #Data #Structures ...
#structures #data #java #javazone #dzone
#DZone #JavaZone "Visitor Design Pattern in Java" #Java #DesignPattern #Visitor ...
#dzone #javazone #java #designpattern #visitor
#DZone #JavaZone "Visitor Design Pattern in Java" #Java #DesignPattern #Visitor ...
#visitor #designpattern #java #javazone #dzone
#DZone #JavaZone "Builder Design Pattern in Java" #Java #DesignPattern #Builder ...
#dzone #javazone #java #designpattern #builder