Nobody likes to think about surgery. When it's necessary, however, you want to make sure that it's done right the first time by an experienced and skilled surgeon. Give us a call today, and we'll find a time that's right for you to meet with Dr. Hayes and learn more about the care we provide.
For more details contact us.
☎ +1720-588-2505
or drop us a message here!
#CoalCreekOMS #OralSurgeon #OralSurgery #JawSurgery #JawSurgeon #DrHayes
#coalcreekoms #oralsurgeon #oralsurgery #jawsurgery #jawsurgeon #drhayes
Jaw misalignment affects your appearance, it can also have a dramatic impact on your health. Corrective jaw surgery is performed to improve the alignment of jaws in the case of a severe over or underbite. Corrective surgery may also be needed to correct injuries caused by trauma. Give us a call today, and we’ll find a time that’s right for you to meet with Dr. Hayes and learn more about the care we provide.
#CoalCreekOMS #DrHayes #JawSurgeon #CorrectiveJawSurgery #JawSurgery
#coalcreekoms #drhayes #jawsurgeon #correctivejawsurgery #jawsurgery
Jaw misalignment affects a person’s appearance, and it can also have a dramatic impact on their health. Jaw surgery is performed to improve the alignment of your jaws. Give us a call today, and we’ll find a time that’s right for you to meet with Dr. Hayes and learn more about the procedures.
For more details contact us.
☎ +1720-588-2505
#CoalCreekOMS #DrHayes #OralSurgeon #JawSurgery #OralSurgery #JawSurgeon
#coalcreekoms #drhayes #oralsurgeon #jawsurgery #oralsurgery #jawsurgeon
Many of us do not like to think about surgery. However, when it is necessary, make sure to have it done by an experienced oral surgeon. Jaw surgery can help treat a wide array of dental and skeletal differences. It can improve your oral health and your quality of life. After the jaw surgery, to make your recovery as quick and easy as possible, you need to take special care.
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#CoalCreekOMS #DrHayes #JawSurgeon #DentalTreatment #JawSurgery
#coalcreekoms #drhayes #jawsurgeon #dentaltreatment #jawsurgery