"No Depression" by Uncle Tupelo released on this day in 1990.
#UncleTupelo #NoDepression #JayFarrar #JeffTweedy
#uncletupelo #nodepression #jayfarrar #jefftweedy
These Roads
These roads don't move;You're the one that moves.— Jay Farrar and Benjamin Gibbard, These Roads Don't Move
Jay Farrar framed this song around the words of Jack Kerouac back in 2009. I'd first heard it while driving around the northeast, trying to make things work in a job I'd eventually leave. The song has been a favorite ever since. Jo
#Music #Exploration #Habits #Travel #Writing #BenjaminGibbard #JackKerouac #JayFarrar
#music #exploration #habits #travel #writing #benjamingibbard #jackkerouac #jayfarrar