Missed our #JCDL2023 @JCDL2023 presentation
„Enriching Simple Keyword Queries for Domain-Aware Narrative
No problem, the talk is available at YouTube:
Welcome to those from the current #TwitterMigration and #RedditMigration!
I truly started using #Mastodon during the #TwitterMigration of 2022. I try to post a #Caturday pic every week -- see enclosed payment for that hashtag. Recently I was live-posting content from the #JCDL2023 #DigitalLibraries #Conference.
Some useful spreadsheet links from my journey:
* an eval of 30+ #Mastodon apps — https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1De5KRwqMIdwEryfoeBLARgxF7QgKkeOQBCilKuIdAXE/edit?usp=sharing
* a (incomplete) list of famous #Mastodon users -- https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1cpUKkoT1MUn8_xM4usiERn-IdEuh0hXfBrwbbThwGiI/edit?usp=sharing
#twittermigration #redditmigration #mastodon #caturday #jcdl2023 #digitallibraries #conference
@ibnesayeed #WADL2023 #JCDL2023 For more info:
* code: https://github.com/internetarchive/trendmachine
* demo: https://trendmachine.sawood-dev.us.archive.org/
With "TrendMachine: A Temporal Webpage Resilience Portal" at #WADL2023, @ibnesayeed gets a chance to expand on the work he briefly presented as a late-breaking paper at #JCDL2023
See: https://twitter.com/ibnesayeed/status/1673780983185965056
Closing out the #WADL2023 #JCDL2023 drop-in talks, @BrendaReyesAyala is discussing her paper "Gone, Gone, but Not Really, and Gone, But Not forgotten: A Typology of Website Recoverability"
During the #WADL2023 drop-in talks Michele Weigle is giving a brief summary about her #JCDL2023 paper "Right HTML, Wrong JSON: Challenges in Replaying Archived Webpages Built with Client-Side Rendering"
Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.01071
Next up at #WADL2023 #JCDL2023 is "IPARO: InterPlanetary Archival Record Object for Decentralized Web Archiving and Replay" presented by @ibnesayeed from @internetarchive
@ibnesayeed For @ibnesayeed news summarization work:
demo: https://archive.org/services/news-summary/
code: https://github.com/internetarchive/newsum
@ibnesayeed .@ibnesayeed mentioned the News Visual Explorer capability from the GDELT project: https://api.gdeltproject.org/api/v2/tvv/tvv
.@ibnesayeed is presenting "Synthesizing Daily Top News Summaries From Archived International TV
Channels Using LLMs" at #WADL2023 #JCDL2023
.@machawk1 is kicking off the 2023 Web Archiving and Digital Libraries (#WADL2023) workshop at #JCDL2023
For more information: https://fox.cs.vt.edu/wadl2023.html
What information is Lexis Nexus connecting to your LexID?
Sarah Lamdan mentions that they are selling this info to governments, tenant screening companies, healthcare systems, insurance companies...
Sometimes their data is incorrect and has real world implications. #JCDL2023
For more information on this issue, see her book: https://www.sup.org/books/title/?id=33205
As the #JCDL2023 keynote speaker, Sarah Lamdan asks:
* What does it mean when library vendors are also doing stuff with our personal data for profit?
* Does this risk our patrons' academic or intellectual freedom?
She points out that academic publishers are following a trend of all industries transitioning to data analytics. The goal is to create products that make predictions and prescriptions about what people, businesses, and technologies might do next.
We thank the esteemed
for delivering our final #JCDL2023 keynote "Data Cartels and the Future of Digital Information Access"
Speaker homepage: https://sarahlamdan.com
Salomon Kabongo Kabenamualu is next at the #JCDL2023 AI / ML / Entity Extraction session with "Zero-shot Entailment of Leaderboards for Empirical AI Research"
Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.16835
Vinay Setty is presenting "Extreme Classification for Answer Type Prediction in Question Answering" at the #JCDL2023 AI / ML / Entity Extraction session
Preprint: https://arxiv.org/abs/2304.12395
Now Alejandro Sierra-Múnera is presenting "Efficient Ultrafine Typing of Named Entities" #JCDL2023
Paper announcement: https://hpi.de/naumann/news/full-paper-accepted-at-jcdl-2023.html