Just Accepted in #JCEM A #Data-Driven Approach to Refine Predictions of Differentiated #Thyroid #Cancer Outcomes: A Prospective Multicenter Study.
We aimed to develop a comprehensive model to predict structural disease that can capture all available features, using the Italian Thyroid Cancer Observatory database.
Several variables not included in the American Thyroid Association system impacted the prediction of disease persistence/recurrence
If #obesity actually causes #depression, how does it do this? New research in #JCEM tells us that #glutamine is an important factor.
#obesity #depression #jcem #glutamine
Given the vexing flaws in a study of #IntermittentFasting in #T2D (e.g., no prospective trial registration), it's hard to understand why #JCEM published it.
#intermittentfasting #T2D #jcem