Antifascists in Lenapehoking Confront Fascist Activity
#afa #jerseycounterinfo #jci #antifa #antifascism #goodnightrightside
#afa #jerseycounterinfo #jci #antifa #antifascism #goodnightrightside
Mark Kauffman and Sara Sheaffer are open neo nazis living in North Philadelphia. Share widely and everywhere.
#jerseycounterinfo #jci #afa #antifascism #neonazi
Mark Kauffman and Sara Sheaffer are open neo nazis living in North Philadelphia. Share widely and everywhere.
#antifascism #jci #jerseycounterinfo #neonazi #afa #s14
S14 Leaders Mark Kauffman and Sara Sheaffer's Neighborhood Hit
#jerseycounterinfo #jci #reportback #antifascism
Free Epona Rose.
#freeepona #mutualaid #mutualaidrequest #jerseycounterinfo #JCI #solidarity
#freeepona #MutualAid #MutualAidRequest #jerseycounterinfo #jci #solidarity
Singapore Solidarity Protests For State Targeted Trans Woman
#Justice4Harvey #JCI #jerseycounterinfo #antifascism #solidarity
#justice4harvey #jci #jerseycounterinfo #antifascism #solidarity
UPDATE on Thomas K Meich:
Thomas K. Meich, 41, of Bloomingdale, NJ, who recently showed up in person to follow up on online threats against a gay night club in Asbury Park, was spotted trying to gain at Georgies, a historic gay bar. Meich was reportedly acting belligerent and refused entry.
Meich has made several violent threats against local drag queens and community spaces like Paradise. He has a record of domestic violence and should be regarded as dangerous. Because of this the queer community should take measures to protect themselves.
#jci #jerseycounterinfo #lgbtq #drag #nj
S14 Member Mathew Bair of Dover PA
#antifascist #jci #njhatewatch #naziscum #nj
Thomas K. Meich, 41, of Bloomingdale, NJ, has recently made death threats targeting drag queens in New Jersey, and appeared in person to threaten the Paradise nightclub in Asbury Park, a popular gay bar known for hosting drag events. He fled when police were called. Prior to this appearance, Meich was arrested on July 4th in Bergen County, NJ, for making terroristic threats of violence, though we have been unable to confirm the target of those threats. As far as we are aware, all of his threats and harassment were through online communication until his appearance in Asbury Park, therefore this is a serious escalation. Meich, who also has a record of domestic violence, should be regarded as dangerous, and the queer community should take measures to protect themselves.
#jci #jerseycounterinfo #lgbtq #drag #nj
NJ Hate Watch: Neo-Nazi Crew S14
#jci #afa #antifascist #antifa #njhatewatch #Hatewatch
S14's Neo Nazi Leaders Mark Kauffman and Sara Sheaffter
#afa #antifascist #jci #Hatewatch
#Republished #jci #jerseycounterinfo #Unravel #anarchism
Antifascists kick NJEHA, Embrace Struggle AC, and Garden State Nationalists Out Of Princeton.
#afa #antifascist #jerseycounterinfo #jci #reportback #nj
Trading personal watchlists for the coming week by bias.
Short: #BALL, #DASH, #FND, #JCI, #MHK, #ONTO, #PLL, #WDC, #WHR, #WSM
#aehr #AKRO #five #gtlb #hubg #inmd #lrcx #medp #orly #vist #ball #dash #fnd #jci #mhk #onto #pll #wdc #WHR #wsm
Eilen koitti kuluneen kamarivuoden huipentuma. Kannustavan, innostavan ja arvostavan Keskuspuiston Nuorkauppakamarin jäsenistön kokoontuminen vuosijuhlan ääreen toi pintaan vilpittömän ilon ja kiitollisuuden siitä kaikesta, mitä kaunista #yhteistyö ja #yhteisöllisyys ovat tänäkin vuonna mahdollistaneet – ja tulevat vastaisuudessakin mahdollistamaan.👏
#jci #jcifinland #jcikeskuspuisto #keskuspuistonnkk #keskuspuistonnuorkauppakamari
#keskuspuistonnuorkauppakamari #keskuspuistonnkk #jcikeskuspuisto #jcifinland #jci #yhteisollisyys #yhteistyo
<strong>Ziekenhuis Rivierenland opnieuw geslaagd voor JCI, keurmerk voor kwaliteit en veiligheid</strong>
Na een uitvoerige en kritisch onderzoek van 3 auditoren heeft Ziekenhuis Rivierenland opnieuw het hoogst haalbare internationale kwaliteitskeurmerk voor ziekenhuizen gekregen. Een fantastisch resultaat en compliment voor de continue aand
#Zorg&Kwaliteit #JCI
#JCI Los jueces ingleses sentencian que los actos de acoso denunciados por Corinna y la actuacióm del general Sanz Roldán y el CNI sólo pueden ser actos oficiales (no privados) y que al serlo cubren a Juan Carlos 2012-2014 cuando era rey con la ley de Inmunidad de Estado de 1978.
#JCI 3/Hacienda y JCI. Fue en 1992
29 años más tarde en diciembre 2020/febrero 2021 Juan Carlos I regulariza algo más de 5 millones de €.
Y se gasta parte de los 100 millones de $ (65 millones de €) que le envían a Suiza en 2008) y los oculta a Hacienda a través de Corinna.
Hi, time for my #introduction #FollowBackFriday
#Flying is my passion 🌤️
I'm a #FlightInstructor & #VolunteerFirefighter 👨🚒
Former #IT and owner of a bikeshop/factory
#Podcasts #BoekestijnEnDeWijk #BNRDeWereld #BNRAmerikaPodcast #EuropaDraaitDoor #CafeEuropa #EchtGebeurd #Tweakers #DarknetDiaries
Interested in #WorldTopics #Economics #Tech
❤️ #Cats 2#BlackCats
#Weather #clouds #hiking #Trees #mountains #hifi #factorio #Programming #Science #Books #SciFi #Movies #fsm #domotica #jci #Travel #Cats #Tech #economics #worldtopics #darknetdiaries #tweakers #echtgebeurd #cafeeuropa #europadraaitdoor #bnramerikapodcast #bnrdewereld #boekestijnendewijk #Podcasts #IT #volunteerfirefighter #flightinstructor #flying #FollowBackFriday #Introduction
De toda la vida su concepto de cortesía (que también viene de corte) significa pleitesía.
#JCI La respuesta de los jueces en Londres a la "cortesía" con España que pide Juan Carlos I para que revisen la inmunidad: “La cortesía no tiene papel alguno aquí ya que el Reino de España ha demostrado no tener interés alguno en la cuestión de la inmunidad en este caso..."