"If you have teachers that don't want to get better, LEAVE THEM ALONE!"
Go find the fun people, and collect some data on results! #EduProtocols
#EduProtocols #jcorippo #ncties23 #edtech
[PODCAST] recommendation: Rebel Teacher Alliance Podcast ("Teachers Rethinking Student Engagement") https://rebelteacheralliance.com/
PHENOMENAL demonstration of using simple Google Forms for whole-class / crowdsourced research: Topic - Number - Fact ("Number Mania" #EduProtocol)
#eduprotocol #jcorippo #ncties23 #edtech
PHENOMENAL demonstration of using simple Google Forms for whole-class / crowdsourced research: Topic - Number - Fact ("Number Mania" #EduProtocol
#eduprotocol #jcorippo #ncties23 #edtech
AWESOME tool & tip: FlatIcon for Slides & Docs https://www.flaticon.com/for-google
now being introduced to "Number Mania" EduProtocol https://wakelet.com/wake/z3M3h0usTeJ3-TNYjk3EB
Great compare and contrast:
Cleopatra on Ducksters: https://www.ducksters.com/history/ancient_egypt/cleopatra_vii.php
Cleopatra on WikiPedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleopatra
Cleopatra on SIMPLE WikiPedia: https://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cleopatra_VII
#book2read: Image Grammar : Using Grammatical Structures to Teach Writing by Harry Noden https://www.amazon.com/Image-Grammar-Grammatical-Structures-Writing/dp/0867094664
#book2read #writing #pedagogy #grammar #jcorippo #ncties23 #edtech
It's been YEARS since I last used #Socrative https://www.socrative.com/
WONDERFUL to use the "short answer" feature! So wonderful to "make student thinking / writing visible!"
#socrative #jcorippo #ncties23 #edtech
Now we're experiencing "Eduprotocol – The Random Emoji Generator Power Paragraph" https://www.socrative.com/blog/instructional-content/random-emoji-generator-power-paragraph/
Now learning the "Iron Chef" EduProtocol! https://wakelet.com/wake/sN55J_3Gh75y4I9cxLcX-
LOVE LOVE "Thick Slides EduProtocol" https://wakelet.com/wake/NCiideMxk9n6oM4dmqwyK
(Using WikiPedia articles!)
GREAT interactive lesson today with "Thin Slides" #EduProtocol at #NCTIES23 by #jcorippo
#eduprotocol #ncties23 #jcorippo
Good explanation of "Parkinson's law" today at #NCTIES23
"public administration, bureaucracy and officialdom expands, regardless of the amount of work to be done" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Parkinson%27s_law
Great reference to "Forgetting curve" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forgetting_curve
So cool! Logitech Spotlight Presentation Remote https://www.logitech.com/en-us/products/presenters/spotlight-presentation-remote.910-004654.html
Really impressive for low-level fact memorization / recall learning: https://wordwall.net/
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