This got virtually no attention yesterday, and it was at a community college in Louisville blocks away from the bank massacre. And the suspects are still on the loose…
RT @OfficialKYChick
There was another shooting in Louisville yesterday and young Black girl was shoot at #JCTC . Praying that she makes a speedy recovery.…
▶️ More #Murder in #Louisville #Monday | A little more than two hours after the mass murder at the Old National Bank, there was a second shooting just blocks away. One person was killed and another injured outside Technical Building "A" @ #JCTC Jefferson Community and Technical College. That murderer is at large. LEOs are reviewing tapes.
Neither #RandPaul nor #MitchMcConnel have sent thoughts and prayers for this victim.
#MitchMcConnel #randpaul #jctc #Monday #louisville #murder
LMPD confirms another shooting around 11 a.m. outside Jefferson Community and Technical College. 1 man is dead, another person in the hospital. JCTC is on lockdown.
There is no active aggressor here on 8th Chestnut streets.
This is after 5 killed, at least 8 injured at Old National Bank in downtown Louisville.
#jeffersoncommunityandtechnicalcollege #jctc #lockhartvmedia
#RobSelects paper of the week #JCTC: Tensor processing units (TPUs) for density functional theory simulations demonstrated on clusters of up to 10327 water molecules. #compchem