I wonder if the classfile api will result in a settlement of the ongoing "do not use #lombok because it uses unofficial apis" controversy.
jep draft: https://openjdk.org/jeps/8280389
talk by Brian Goetz: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pcg-E_qyMOI&feature=youtu.be
The Spring Framework has released its 6.1 version, featuring compatibility with virtual threads and #JDK 21. The update also introduces configuration options for virtual threads, method validation support, and other improvements.
"JDK 21 is in Rampdown Phase Two. The overall feature set is frozen. No further JEPs will be targeted to this release."
Features (previews omitted):
- JSR 431: Sequenced Collections
- JSR 439: Generational ZGC
- JSR 440: Record Patterns
- JSR 441: Pattern Matching for switch
- JSR 444: Virtual Threads
- JSR 449: Deprecate Windows 32-bit Port
- JSR 451: Prepare to Disallow the Dynamic Loading of Agents
- JSR 452: Key Encapsulation Mechanism API
#java #jdk #jdk21 #java21
Permission denied trying to start a new process from a Java application as root user (with non-installed JDK) #permissions #java #jdk
📊Did you know?
➡ JDK had 26,976 classes (Temurin JDK20, Windows)
➡ Including 11,960 inner classes
#java #jdk #openjdk #jdk20 #antcommanderpro
https://www.wacoca.com/games/677236/ 【メタルギアソリッドV】カズヒラ久しぶりだな今から助けてやるぞ! PART2 ##メタルギアソリッドV #JDK #JDK_VT #MetalGearSolid #METALGEARSOLIDΔ #METALGEARSOLIDV #MGS #MGSV #PS4GAMES #Vtuber #オセロット #クワイエット #スネーク #ビッグボス #メタルギアソリッド #メタルギアソリッドV #メタルギアソリッドΔ #完全初見 #新人vtuber
#メタルギアソリッドv #jdk #jdk_vt #metalgearsolid #metalgearsolidδ #metalgearsolidv #mgs #mgsv #ps4games #vtuber #オセロット #クワイエット #スネーク #ビッグボス #メタルギアソリッド #メタルギアソリッドδ #完全初見 #新人vtuber
The new interpreter uses synchronous code for the server logic, which means it needs an executor (such as a `ThreadPoolExecutor`) to serve any kind of non-trivial load.
At the same time, you can use all the goodies that come with tapir, e.g. #OpenAPI documentation interpreters
Additionally, on #JDK 19+, you can use #Loom to provide a virtual thread executor and scale much more! This complements the tapir-loom interpreters that have been available, based on Netty & Nima.
Can God make a function so hidden, even _he_ can't reflect it?
The things I do for unit testing.
#filthy #disgusting #jdk #java
The compact overview of #JDK 21's "frozen" feature list - #JVM Weekly vol. 45 #Java
#JDK 21 Forked From Mainline For What Will Be The Next #Java LTS Release
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/phoronix/status/1666904926138556422
New blog post published on the #Azul website: "The Anatomy of a JVM."
Java is not only a programming language. It’s an “umbrella” that covers tools, runtimes, and even a whole community. In this article, we take a look at one part under the umbrella: the Java Virtual Machine.
#azul #java #openjdk #jvm #jdk #jre
Two years after.... https://www.reddit.com/r/jep411/comments/13jt0tr/two_years_after/
#securitymanager #jdk #funnynotfunny
@StephanWindmueller @lprimak I am warming up to the idea of having the build tool scan for the needed #JDK as long you can get have specific JDK vendor and versions required. When distributing code for others to build on their own systems, you don't want to depend on specific paths to find the required compilers or other tools (a big no-no in the #Java world)
@StephanWindmueller @lprimak Can you say to #Gradle: please don't download a #JDK from the internet, only use a JDK if it can be located on the system already? Is specifying ranges of JDK versions allowed? Can you specify any JDK vendor but one or two on a blacklist? (Thinking about blacklisting the most proprietary JDK vendor for ... reasons). If so, now that is pretty powerful!
@lprimak @StephanWindmueller Yep, I feel like it leads to a lot of redundancy (bloat) and security issues, etc. At least some tools still give you the choice to use a "thin" installer version that will use your system installed #JDK. I think #Oracle of all companies still allow for this with their SQL Developer tool.
@StephanWindmueller @lprimak I think I did see that "Sip of Java" video by Billy a while ago. I don't think I like the idea of relying on auto-detection or any scanning if I want #Gradle to use a #JDK other than the one it launched itself with. I feel like it is better to be explicit and just set precise JDK location.
@lprimak @StephanWindmueller I completely agree with you on identifying the weakest link in the chain. OW2 has done a an absolutely amazing job with ASM being out in front of new #JDK versions. @ApacheGroovy has also done quite well keeping up. To #Gradle's credit, the gap between #JDK20 and Gradle 8.1 was smaller, but the gap could be smaller yet. The shift to #Kotlin may make this whole discussion less relevant in the future, but probably not for a couple years.