📊Did you know?
➡ JDK had 26,976 classes (Temurin JDK20, Windows)
➡ Including 11,960 inner classes
#java #jdk #openjdk #jdk20 #antcommanderpro
@lprimak @StephanWindmueller I completely agree with you on identifying the weakest link in the chain. OW2 has done a an absolutely amazing job with ASM being out in front of new #JDK versions. @ApacheGroovy has also done quite well keeping up. To #Gradle's credit, the gap between #JDK20 and Gradle 8.1 was smaller, but the gap could be smaller yet. The shift to #Kotlin may make this whole discussion less relevant in the future, but probably not for a couple years.
@overheadhunter That's good to know in case #Oracle stops to publish the #early-access binary builds. Thanks!
I am waiting for #JDK20 to be released on #ArchLinux to move on.
#Oracle #early #jdk20 #ArchLinux
Due to the changes for the Foreign Function & Memory API, that came with #JEP434, jextract had been brought in sync with the #JDK20 branch.
And binary builds for all platforms were already released too. 👍 😎
#Opal v1.1.0 has just been released.
You can find the release notes here:
#JavaFX #Gradle #github #opensource #free #software #music #relaxing #java #jdk20
#jdk20 #Java #relaxing #Music #Software #Free #OpenSource #GitHub #gradle #javafx #opal
#Opal v1.1.0 has just been released.
You can find the release notes here:
#JavaFX #Gradle #github #opensource #free #software #music #relaxing #java #jdk20
#jdk20 #Java #relaxing #Music #Software #Free #OpenSource #GitHub #gradle #javafx #opal
#Adoptium published new #Temurin binaries for #JDK20 based on #OpenJDK here for some more popular platforms a couple days ago here: https://adoptium.net/temurin/releases/?version=20
Less common platform binaries should be out within a few more days. #Java #JDK #OpenSource
#Adoptium #Temurin #jdk20 #openjdk #java #jdk #opensource
With the release of #JDK20 on March 21th, there are at least 4 other vendors releasing binaries based on #OpenJDK 20. #Amazon's #Corretto: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/corretto/latest/corretto-20-ug/downloads-list.html and #SapMachine https://sap.github.io/SapMachine were released the same day as #Oracle's OpenJDK. Yesterday, we had releases of Zulu 20 from #AzulSystems here: https://azul.com/downloads and also #Liberica 20 from #BellSoftware here: https://bell-sw.com/pages/downloads ... more releases based on #JDK 20 to come. #Java #OpenSource
#jdk20 #openjdk #amazon #corretto #sapmachine #oracle #azulsystems #Liberica #bellsoftware #jdk #java #opensource
Really positive productive day. Expect availability of Eclipse Temurin from #Adoptium 20 on most of the main platforms shortly after I wake up tomorrow (I've focused on Linux/aarch64 #arm but the AQA quality results analysis are generic) #openjdk #java #jdk #jdk20
#Adoptium #arm #openjdk #java #jdk #jdk20
JDK 20 was released yesterday! Highlights of this release include further improvements that strengthen the default security of the Java Platform, improved crypto performance, and new JFR events for security monitoring. See my blog for more details: https://seanjmullan.org/blog/2023/03/22/jdk20 #jdk20 #security #openjdk
OpenJDK JDK 20 General-Availability Release is here!
RT @Sharat_Chander
🚨#Java 20 is now available!🚨
☑️ multi-platform
☑️ production-ready
☑️ open source
☑️ binary release
...made available by @oracle
Learn more ➡️ https://inside.java/2023/03/21/the-arrival-of-java-20/
#java #openjdk #jdk #jdk20 #java20
Deep dive analysis: we examine #JDK20 and predict what features may be targeted for #JDK21.
Read on #InfoQ: https://bit.ly/3LgPse6
#jdk20 #jdk21 #infoq #java #projectamber #projectloom #projectpanama
Proposed to target JDK 20: JEP 438: Vector API (Fifth Incubator): https://openjdk.org/jeps/438 #jdk20 #openjdk #java
Per-Åke Minborg at Jfokus on Foreign Function and Memory API in JDK 20:
#openjdk #jdk20 #projectpanama
JDK 20 Early-Access Build 36 is here:
Release notes:
Issues addressed in this build:
First JDK 20 Release Candidate: https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/jdk-dev/2023-February/007364.html; downloads: https://jdk.java.net/20/ #jdk20 #java20 #openjdk #java #testItNow
#jdk20 #java20 #openjdk #java #testitnow
Per the JDK 20 schedule, we are now in Rampdown Phase Two. [..]
The overall feature set is frozen. No further JEPs will be targeted to this release.
Per the JDK Release Process we now turn our focus to P1 and P2 bugs [..]
more @ https://mail.openjdk.org/pipermail/jdk-dev/2023-January/007308.html
RT @mreinhold@twitter.com
JDK 20 has been forked from the main line and is now in Rampdown Phase One: https://bit.ly/3Y6Wsyh #jdk20 #openjdk #java
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mreinhold/status/1600904855349972993