The #Korean #Chinese #Japanese film/tv industry seem to do a good job of bringing manga and animations to the big screen. Most US productions are imports or copies of theirs, and then not well done transferred to film (regardless of blockbuster status IMO). #film #television #KDramas #CDramas #KMovies #CMovies #JDramas #JMovies
#JMovies #jdramas #cmovies #kmovies #CDramas #KDramas #television #film #japanese #chinese #korean
Just joined so thought I would do this. Have no idea what I am doing but whatever
I’m Caitlin. I use social media to find mutuals who like the same things as me so, I can talk about things and gush about things over social media.
Love asian dramas: #kdramas, #cdramas, #tdramas, #thaidramas, #jdramas - just all of them. As well as Asian music like #kpop. I even blog about these topics. Also love video games, board games. Want to try DnD one day
So hi…👋
#introductiontoot #kdramas #cdramas #tdramas #thaidramas #jdramas #kpop