@LostNetizen I guess the big enabler that let me move on to #nvim was the transition to micro services at the company I’m at. The monolith is hard to work at in my setup of nvim, intellij still has an edge there. Anyway - for the micro services I have a sweet setup with code completion, code actions etc via #jdtls, nice hints thanks to ‘trouble’ and snippets via ‘#cmp’. ‘#Telescope’ is awesome for navigation and I have noticed that I recall the code base better now.
@skeletonadventure I noticed that sometimes the #jdtls integration breaks cause it has some old/invalid data in the cache and removing the workspace cache folder helps in that regard…
A few days ago the maintainers of #homebrew accepted my contribution to bring #eclipse #languageserver a.k.a. #jdtls to this #packagemanager. :ablobcatbongo:
However, the workflow of accepting a #contribution in #homebrew is weird and frankly a bit disrespectful because my authorship is lost (I'm not even a commiter anymore).
Who can tell which of my PRs got accepted without looking into all comments? https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/pulls?q=is%3Apr+jdtls
#homebrew #eclipse #languageserver #jdtls #packagemanager #contribution
During the time our CI/CD system was down this afternoon I used the time to tweak my #neovim setup quite a bit and also started introducing #dap support, which I still used #vscode for from time to time. First attempt to debug a test via #jdtls worked fine incl. virtual text objects showing local variable values… holy moly!