The French Archaeology Festival (that has become the European Archaeology Festival recently, we're trend makers... and even the World Archaeology Festival since I take part from #okinawa ) is coming (June the 16th, 17th, 18th) and I haven't planned anything this year. Anybody celebrating on Mastodon ? I checked the usual hashtags #JEA #JournéesEuropéennesArchéologie and the old #JFA #JournéesFrançaisesArchéologie but didn't get any hit. [1/2]
#okinawa #jea #journeeseuropeennesarcheologie #jfa #journeesfrancaisesarcheologie
[#JEA] médias : quelle alternative aux grands groupes ?, DG d’ présentera les travaux que nous menons sur la place de l’ESS dans les médias.
Retrouvez nos travaux sur ce sujet ici :ésio_Note%20d%27opportunités%20pour%20une%20ESSisation%20de%20la%20filière%20des%20médias.pdf