Paul Brenner · @pbrenner
4 followers · 112 posts · Server
12pt9 · @12pt9
222 followers · 1122 posts · Server

March 9: Someone going potty for

“Madrid was filled with the stench of – pardon my language – food. It was indecent.”

Eating is taboo, and relieving oneself is performed on a toilet at a communal table in Luis Buñuel's Le fantôme de la liberté [The Phantom of Liberty] (FR/IT, 1974). Le fantôme strings together events from 's life (he was 74 by the time he made this film), with dreams remembered by both Buñuel and co-writer Jean-Claude Carrière. The title references the opening sentence from Marx/Engels' Communist Manifesto. What follows is a wonderful, free-flowing pastiche performed by a sublime cast.


#bales2023filmchallenge #worldkidneyday #bunuel #film #luisbunuel #jeanclaudecarriere #michelpiccoli #monicavitti

Last updated 2 years ago