Eder · @eder
15 followers · 60 posts · Server masto.es

"El primer impulso de los anarquistas, para el mejor logro de la Revolución, será apropiarse de la riqueza social; llamar a los desheredados a adueñarse de los almacenes, de los instrumentos, del suelo; marchar a habitar departamentos salubres, destruyendo los agujeros donde hoy son obligados a pudrirse; los rebeldes debieran destruir los derechos gracias a los cuales se mantiene hoy día el funcionamiento de la propiedad: las oficinas policiales y judiciales; el Catastro, el Registro, el Estado Civil, deberán ser requisados y saqueados".
-Jean Grave.

#anarquismo #anarquia #apoyomutuo #ayudamutua #jeangrave #revolucion #anarcocomunismo #comunismolibertario

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
846 followers · 1470 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Today in Labor History February 26, 1894: In France, Jean Grave was charged and sentenced to two years in prison for publishing the book “La société mourante et l'anarchie.” However, the trial only served to popularize the book, which was quickly translated into German, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian and Yiddish. Voltairine De Cleyre produced an English translation in 1899. Novelist Octave Mirbeau (“Torture Garden” and “Diary of a Chambermaid”) wrote the preface. Grave was born on October 16, 1854 and died in 1939. He was active in the international anarchist communism movement and was editor Le Révolté, La Révolte and Les Temps Nouveaux, and a number of important anarchist books.


#workingclass #LaborHistory #anarchism #censorship #prison #octavemirbeau #jeangrave #novel #books

Last updated 2 years ago