Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.
-- Jean-Paul Sartre
⬆ #Quotes #JeanPaulSartre #Time
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #BartolomeIsland #PinnacleRock #Galapagos
#quotes #jeanpaulsartre #time #photography #panorama #bartolomeisland #pinnaclerock #galapagos
the tang of underage vodka in orange juice
Chain of Events
Joan Larkin
#Poetry #JoanLarkin #Vodka #BeingAndNothingness #JeanPaulSartre #Existentialism
#existentialism #jeanpaulsartre #beingandnothingness #vodka #joanlarkin #poetry
Αφιέρωμα στον Γάλλο Φιλόσοφο Ζαν Πωλ Σαρτρ (vid)
Ο Ζαν-Πωλ Σαρτρ γεννήθηκε στο Παρίσι την 21η Ιουνίου του 1905.
Ήταν Γάλλος φιλόσοφος, λογοτέχνης και κριτικός και ο γνωστότερος εκπρόσωπος του υπαρξισμού.
Nacque oggi....e lo ricordo così
"Quando i ricchi si fanno la guerra tra loro, sono i poveri a morire".
(Parigi 21 giugno 1905 - 15 aprile 1980)
Filosofo, scrittore, drammaturgo e critico letterario.
You share your #birthday with... The absolute intellectual... #JeanPaulSartre #press
#birthday #jeanpaulsartre #press
Man is condemned to be free; because once thrown into the world, he is responsible for everything he does.
-- Jean-Paul Sartre
⬆ #Quotes #JeanPaulSartre #FreeWill #Responsibility
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Panopainting #Triathlon #Runners #StPetersburg #Florida
#quotes #jeanpaulsartre #freewill #responsibility #photography #panorama #panopainting #triathlon #runners #stpetersburg #florida
Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do.
-- Jean-Paul Sartre
⬆ #Quotes #JeanPaulSartre #Time
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #Pictographs #RockArt #NativeAmerican #Utah
#quotes #jeanpaulsartre #time #photography #panorama #pictographs #rockart #nativeamerican #utah
"Geschlossene Gesellschaft" -Das Theater InCognito zeigt Sartre-Stück #GeschlosseneGesellschaft #JeanPaulSartre #InCognito #Theater #Termin #Termin
#termin #theater #incognito #jeanpaulsartre #geschlossenegesellschaft
Bonus book of the day is:
#jeanpaulsartre #colonialism #neocolonialism
#neocolonialism #colonialism #jeanpaulsartre
«Ogni parola ha conseguenze. Ogni silenzio anche».
Il #15 aprile 1980 moriva #JeanPaulSartre, filosofo, scrittore, drammaturgo e critico letterario francese, uno dei più importanti rappresentanti dell'esistenzialismo e una delle menti più brillanti del secolo scorso.
#jeanpaulsartre #ilbortoneficio
"Un anticomunista è un cane, su questo sono irremovibile e lo sarò sempre."
Dietro ed oltre la guerra in Ucraina (seconda parte) | Per non lasciarsi la guerra alle spalle – di Giorgio Ferrari #AlbertoAsorRosa #AlexanderDugin #AntonioGramsci #GiorgioFerrari #JeanPaulSartre #eurocentrismo #capitalismo #FranzFanon #Occidente #SamirAmin #Crinali #confini #Ucraina #Europa #guerra #Russia #pace #Usa
#albertoasorrosa #AlexanderDugin #antoniogramsci #GiorgioFerrari #jeanpaulsartre #eurocentrismo #capitalismo #franzfanon #occidente #samiramin #Crinali #confini #ucraina #europa #guerra #russia #pace #usa
#Bales2023FilmChallenge March 7: a town meeting for #NationalTownMeetingDay
Raymond Rouleau's Les sorcières de #Salem (FR/GDR, 1957) – , with a screenplay by Marxist philosopher Jean-Paul #Sartre – is a very early #film adaptation of Arthur Miller's 1953 #TheatrePlay The Crucible. An allegory of #McCarthyism, the play is a (partially dramatised) retelling of the #SalemWitchTrials, a dramatic episode in early US-American history. During several court and town meetings, 200 people were falsely accused of meddling with the Devil; 19 of them were eventually executed.
Miller himself was accused of un-American activities in 1956 and convicted of contempt of Congress for refusing to identify others present at meetings he had attended. Which doesn't mean that #WitchTrials are a thing of the past. As easily one can transplant Puritan religious mass hysteria to 1950s McCarthy anti-socialism, as easy is it applicable to the state of the world today.
#ArthurMiller #JeanPaulSartre #TheCrucible #DDR #SimoneSignoret #YvesMontand @film
#bales2023filmchallenge #nationaltownmeetingday #salem #sartre #film #theatreplay #mccarthyism #salemwitchtrials #witchtrials #arthurmiller #jeanpaulsartre #thecrucible #ddr #simonesignoret #yvesmontand
Café Society, “in illo tempore”. Are they at the Café de Flore or are they at Les Deux Magots? The intellectual “in crowd” hung out in only the one or the other at any given time. If you had to ask which one, well…
#JeanPaulSartre #SimoneDeBeauvoir #CaféDeFlore #LesDeuxMagots
#lesdeuxmagots #cafedeflore #SimonedeBeauvoir #jeanpaulsartre
Café Society, In Illo Tempore. Are they at the Café de Flore or Les Deux Magots? The intellectual “in crowd” hung out in only the one or the other at any given time. If you had to ask which one, well…
#JeanPaulSartre #SimoneDeBeauvoir #CaféDeFlore #LesDeuxMagots
#lesdeuxmagots #cafedeflore #SimonedeBeauvoir #jeanpaulsartre
Café Society, In Illo Tempore. Are they at the Café de Flore or Les Deux Magots? The intellectual “in crowd” hung out in only the one or the other at any given time. If you had to ask which one, well…
#JeanPaulSartre #SimoneDeBeauvoir #CaféDeFlore #LesDeuxMagots
#lesdeuxmagots #cafedeflore #SimonedeBeauvoir #jeanpaulsartre
I have married friends who have the last name #Sartre (no relation). They have one kid and are about to have another. I launched an aggressive campaign that the kids be named Being and Nothingness.
Apparently, I must live with disappointment.
#JeanPaulSartre #philosophy #existentialism
#existentialism #philosophy #jeanpaulsartre #sartre
[1970] The Roads to Freedom - Based on the trilogy of novels by Jean-Paul Sartre, The Roads to Freedom deals with the lives of various people in Paris as war with Nazi Germany becomes inevitable. Unusually, the series makes much use of voiceover, using the characters' internal thoughts in the narrative.
*Contains themes of an adult nature*
#OldBritishTelly #theroadstofreedom #jeanpaulsartre
I am a sucker for discussions like this one. So good. An ideal life for me would regularly involve such discussions with smart people who would teach me deep ideas.
#Heidegger #existentialism #philosophy #BeingAndTime #MartinHeidegger #Sartre #JeanPaulSartre
#heidegger #existentialism #philosophy #beingandtime #martinheidegger #sartre #jeanpaulsartre
From the book “William Blake vs. the World” by John Higgs
#jeanpaulsartre #crabs #mescaline #existentialism #writer