"Everything is abundance and alive and beautiful and lush. And everything is like a dessert that has 20 layers."
Forgotten (& Unfinished) Opera Bows 280 Years Late
https://www.npr.org/2023/05/03/1173042566/a-forgotten-opera-premieres-280-years-late via NPR
Photo: Keren Carrión/NPR
#Io #IoOpera #JeanPhilippeRameau #OperaLafayette #KennedyCenter #ElMuseoDelBarrio
#io #ioopera #jeanphilipperameau #operalafayette #kennedycenter #elmuseodelbarrio
"Rameau, Rebel - L'héritage de Rameau [Ensemble Les Surprises, Louis-Noël Bestion de Camboulas]" on YouTube https://youtu.be/HNoLHmNSBck
#classicalmusic #ensemblelessurprises #jeanphilipperameau
#JeanPhilippeRameau 1683 – 1764
Suite from '#AcanteEtCéphise', Pastorale héroïque
#RCT 29
#OrchestraOfThe18thCentury, #FransBrüggen
*The opera Acante et Céphise, ou La sympathie was first performed in Paris November 19, 1751
#pastoraleheroique #Rameau #musica #musique #music #musik #fransbruggen #orchestraofthe18thcentury #rct #acanteetcephise #jeanphilipperameau #romanticmusic #classicalmusic