49 years ago:
Love at the Top (FR,IT)
Original title: Le Mouton enragé
Nicolas Mallet, an inconspicuous and shy bank employee, one day successfully invites Marie-Paul, a young woman he hadn’t known before, in the streets of Paris to a café and sleeps with her the next day. When he tells his surprised friend Claude about the incident, the disillusioned and handicapped w...
#LoveattheTop #JeanLouisTrintignant #JeanPierreCassel #RomySchneider
#loveatthetop #jeanlouistrintignant #jeanpierrecassel #RomySchneider
50 years ago:
Baxter! (GB,US)
A young boy struggles to overcome his speech problem and strained relationship with his parents.
#Baxter #LionelJeffries #PatriciaNeal #JeanPierreCassel #BrittEkland #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#baxter #lioneljeffries #patricianeal #jeanpierrecassel #brittekland #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
53 years ago:
The Bear and the Doll (FR)
Original title: L'Ours et la Poupée
Cellist Gaspard is living in a big house in the country with his son and three nieces. He likes being quiet. One day, his modest car bumps into a Rolls-Royce, driven by Felicia, a young, beautiful, wealthy and temperamental woman. And she knows it. She is very angry at him because he seems not to be...
#TheBearandtheDoll #BrigitteBardot #JeanPierreCassel #NinaCompanéez
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