80 years ago:
This Land Is Mine (US)
Somewhere in Europe, in a city occupied by the Nazis, a gentle school teacher finds himself torn between collaboration and resistance, cowardice and courage.
#ThisLandIsMine #JeanRenoir #CharlesLaughton #MaureenOHara #GeorgeSanders #RKO #Film
#thislandismine #jeanrenoir #charleslaughton #maureenohara #georgesanders #rko #film
78 years ago:
The Southerner (US)
Sam Tucker, a cotton picker, in search of a better future for his family, decides to grow his own cotton crop. In the first year, the Tuckers battle disease, a flood, and a jealous neighbor. Can they make it as farmers?
#TheSoutherner #JeanRenoir #BettyField #JCarrolNaish #BeulahBondi #UnitedArtists #ClassicFilm
#thesoutherner #jeanrenoir #bettyfield #jcarrolnaish #beulahbondi #unitedartists #classicfilm
68 years ago:
French Cancan (FR,IT)
Nineteenth-century Paris comes vibrantly alive in Jean Renoir’s exhilarating tale of the opening of the world-renowned Moulin Rouge. Jean Gabin plays the wily impresario Danglard, who makes the cancan all the rage while juggling the love of two beautiful women—an Egyptian belly-dancer and a naive wo...
#FrenchCancan #JeanRenoir #JeanGabin #MaríaFélix #JeanRogerCaussimon #Film
#frenchcancan #jeanrenoir #jeangabin #mariafelix #jeanrogercaussimon #film
91 years ago:
Night at the Crossroads (FR)
Original title: La Nuit du carrefour
A gang of thieves utilize a cross-road garage as their hideaway; after accidentally murdering a jewel thief, the heat is on.
#NightattheCrossroads #JeanRenoir #MargueriteRenoir #WomenInFilm #ClassicMovies
#nightatthecrossroads #jeanrenoir #margueriterenoir #womeninfilm #classicmovies
[Article] « La règle du jeu » de Jean Renoir : l'histoire est un drame gai
Le jeu n’a pour règle que celle de La Mort, qui joue un jeu dont nul ne sait jamais la véritable règle.Christian Gabrielle Guez Ricord, lettre à Yves ReynierDanse MacabreC’est à Paris, dans le cimetière des Saint-Innocents, qu’apparaît pour la première fois une…
https://www.blast-info.fr/articles/2023/la-regle-du-jeu-de-jean-renoir-lhistoire-est-un-drame-gai-UufcFVPlTYeT3xWiqcOT5w #Cinema #JeanRenoir #Lafindufilm
#cinema #jeanrenoir #Lafindufilm
98 years ago:
Whirlpool of Fate (FR)
Original title: La Fille de l'eau
Jean Renoir's directional debut and first silent film stars his wife, Catherine Hessling, as a young girl who manages to turn her tragic family life into one of joy and happiness.
#WhirlpoolofFate #JeanRenoir #ClassicMovies
#whirlpooloffate #jeanrenoir #classicmovies
96 years ago:
Charleston Parade (FR)
Original title: Sur un air de Charleston
Shot in three days, this surreal, erotic silent short shows a native white girl teaching a futuristic African airman the Charleston dance.
#CharlestonParade #JeanRenoir #SciFi #Movies
#charlestonparade #jeanrenoir #scifi #movies
#黄金の馬車 #LeCarrossedor #ジャンルノワール #JeanRenoir #アンナマニャーニ #AnnaMagnani
#草の上の昼食 #LeDéjeunersurlherbe #ポールムーリス #PaulMeurisse #カトリーヌルーベル #CatherineRouvel
#紀伊國屋書店 #紀伊國屋書店新宿本店 #新宿 #東京
#東京 #新宿 #紀伊國屋書店新宿本店 #紀伊國屋書店 #catherinerouvel #カトリーヌルーベル #paulmeurisse #ポールムーリス #ledejeunersurlherbe #草の上の昼食 #annamagnani #アンナマニャーニ #jeanrenoir #ジャンルノワール #lecarrossedor #黄金の馬車
88 years ago:
Toni (FR)
In the 1920s, the Provence is a magnet for immigrants seeking work in the quarries or in the agriculture. Many mingle with locals and settle down permanently - like Toni, an Italian who has moved in with Marie, a Frenchwoman. Even a well-ordered existence is not immune from boredom, friendship, love...
#Toni #JeanRenoir #SuzannedeTroeye #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#toni #jeanrenoir #suzannedetroeye #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
#Filmfest 815 #Cinema #TheSoutherner #DerMannausdemSüden #USA1945 #JeanRenoir #TheGreatDepression #GreatDepression #Farmer
Der Mann aus dem Süden (The Southerner, USA 1945) #Filmfest 815
#filmfest #cinema #thesoutherner #dermannausdemsuden #usa1945 #jeanrenoir #thegreatdepression #greatdepression #farmer
94 years ago:
The Tournament (FR)
Original title: Le Tournoi
Rival knights compete for the hand of a beautiful maiden in this period feature from Jean Renoir, unfortunately only available in truncated form.
#TheTournament #JeanRenoir #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#thetournament #jeanrenoir #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
77 years ago:
The Diary of a Chambermaid (US)
Celestine, the chamber-maid, has a new job in the country, at the Lanlaires. She has decided to use her beauty to seduce a wealthy man, but Mr. Lanlaire is not a right choice: the house is firmly controlled by Madame Lanlaire, helped by the strange valet Joseph. Then she tries the neighbour, former ...
#TheDiaryofaChambermaid #JeanRenoir #PauletteGoddard #BurgessMeredith #FlorenceBates #ClassicFilm
#thediaryofachambermaid #jeanrenoir #paulettegoddard #burgessmeredith #florencebates #classicfilm
I just watched The River (Jean Renoir, 1951) and rated it 9/10 ~ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_River_%281951_film%29?wprov=sfla1 #films #cinema #cinemastadon Beautiful looking, poetic and gently flowing #TheRiver #JeanRenoir #RumerGodden #Technicolor #India #WestBengal #Ganges
#ganges #westbengal #india #technicolor #rumergodden #jeanrenoir #theriver #cinemastadon #cinema #films
85 years ago:
La Marseillaise (FR)
A film about the early part of the French Revolution, shown from the eyes of the citizens of Marseille, counts in German exile and, of course, the king Louis XVI, each showing their own small problems.
#LaMarseillaise #JeanRenoir #MargueriteRenoir #ClassicFilm #ClassicMovies #Movies #Film
#lamarseillaise #jeanrenoir #margueriterenoir #classicfilm #classicmovies #movies #film
The Film Foundation are screening/streaming the gorgeous Renoir film The River for free next month. Based on a book by Rumer Godden (Black Narcissus) - restored from the original three-strip Technicolor negs.
#TheRiver #RumerGodden #JeanRenoir #Technicolor #cinemastodon
#cinemastodon #technicolor #jeanrenoir #rumergodden #theriver
#jacquestati #jacquesbecker #robertbresson #henrigeorgesclouzot #jeanrenoir #cinema
"Films have grown so aggressive and jittery that it takes patience to calm down into one like 'The River' [1951]. Its most dramatic moment takes place offscreen. [Jean] Renoir is not interested in emotional manipulation but in regarding lives as they are lived."—Roger Ebert #cinema #jeanrenoir
Picked this up on vacation. Always enjoy those books of directors just riffing… #jeanrenoir #classicfilm #frenchfilm
#jeanrenoir #classicfilm #frenchfilm
“This Land is Mine” (1943) is a gripping tale of life in a Nazi-occupied country—unspecified but clearly meant to be France. (It was directed by French expatriate Jean Renoir.)
Excellent portrayals of various characters’ motivations, notably by Walter Slezak and George Sanders. Loses steam when Charles Laughton’s extended monologues take over the film in the final act.
#ClassicFilm #CharlesLaughton #MaureenOHara #GeorgeSanders #JeanRenoir
#classicfilm #charleslaughton #maureenohara #georgesanders #jeanrenoir