Will #fiatCurrency eventually be understood as a religious cult in which #papalIndulgences via #centralBanking are handed to #bankers and their #JeffreyEpsteinClass of mates, who #sacrificeChildren into #debtSlavery for #cronyCapitalism in the hopes of personal power and prestige (and to pay for war via a #silentTax called #inflation)?
#fiatCurrency #centralBanking #bankers #papalIndulgences #jeffreyEpsteinClass #sacrificeChildren #debtslavery #cronycapitalism #silentTax #inflation #bitcoinfixesthis #cryptocurrency
What happens when we add in the #airTravel, #propertyDevelopment and other excessive displays of wealth that #bankers, #lobbyists, #stockMarket traders and the #jeffreyEpsteinClass enjoyed from their #fiatCurrency earnings that are vastly #illGotten since 1970?
#airTravel #propertyDevelopment #bankers #lobbyists #stockmarket #jeffreyEpsteinClass #fiatCurrency #illGotten #co2 #climatechange #pyramidSchemes #confidenceTricks
Okay, so a site that uses #Cloudflare and Amazon, is only just being "#dataBreached" now!?
Anyone who thought #Jan6 was not a distraction from the fact #JulianAssange's fate was to be determined on this date, and #Trump was pardoning mercenary #warCriminals at this time, has been successfully bamboozled.
#EngineeringOfConsent #distraction #corporateMedia #darkMoney #bigProperty #blackwater #JeffreyEpsteinClass #AfghanistanPapers #bloodingCult #oilWars #lithiumWars #freeAssange
#cloudflare #dataBreached #jan6 #julianassange #trump #warcriminals #EngineeringOfConsent #distraction #corporatemedia #darkmoney #bigProperty #blackwater #jeffreyEpsteinClass #AfghanistanPapers #bloodingCult #lithiumWars #oilwars #freeassange
The #massline is, it's good for us and science.
But a big part of #spaceExploration involves building #autonomousDrones that can reliably traverse, surveil and collect items from far away places.
Why on earth (pun intended) would they need to throw money at that?
#automation #replacement #reCAPTCHA #hCaptcha #privateIslands #greenzones #jeffreyEpsteinClass #droneWarfare #cloudflare #Tesla #spaceX
#automation #hCaptcha #massLine #spaceexploration #autonomousDrones #replacement #recaptcha #privateIslands #GreenZones #jeffreyEpsteinClass #dronewarfare #cloudflare #tesla #spacex
Don't make the Game stop.
(Seriously though, never use the tools they give you to try and bring them down. It's the #JeffreyEpsteinClass we are dealing with. The #stockMarket is engineered so they hardly have a bad day. A year ago who pulled their stocks from the market and sold their NewYork flat?)
#GameStop #pun #SEC #CIA #robinhood #frontRun #stockMarket #confidenceTrick
#jeffreyEpsteinClass #stockmarket #gamestop #pun #sec #cia #robinhood #frontRun #confidenceTrick
Nice story, pootz. Just keep in mind that when companies put themselves up on the #stockMarket, they invite all that goes with that.
The stockMarket is designed to benefit certain people, we call them many things, including the #JeffreyEpsteinClass.
You don't owe anything to #Gamestop. Just cherish your memories. We would tell people to refrain from investing much on emotion.
The lesson here is we can't beat their sick system using tools they give us. *wink*
#stockmarket #jeffreyEpsteinClass #gamestop
The #corporateFascist are literally everywhere.
Did you hear about how bankers deny morgages to black people in the nations capital?
In #Australia over the past few years, most of our states handed over control of #LandTitles to the #banking and #jeffreyEpsteinClass. We have started making (hashtag)imprison lists.
The #corporateState #totalitarianism list just keeps growing. Its awful.
#corporateFascist #australia #LandTitles #banking #jeffreyEpsteinClass #corporateState #totalitarianism
d) Yes real interestRates, not zero for the #jeffreyEpsteinClass, 3% for the rest, and other #interestRateApartheid tricks.
e) if you don't like #China's policies don't buy their stuff, oh wait, that's what #Trump was trying to do and he was the personification of evil so we must do opposite.
f) If you don't like #LightningNetwork its #openSource, change it for your business.
g) arguments sound like repeats from 2017, mostly yawn.
We see #GAFAM and #Cloudflare as real threats.
#jeffreyEpsteinClass #interestRateApartheid #china #trump #lightningnetwork #opensource #gafam #cloudflare
We'd like to present you the best cartoon series we've seen in a long time.
Imagine #SouthPark meets #AmericanHorrorStory meets the #JeffreyEpsteinClass and you get #BitcoinAndFriends.
Their site, #btcAndFriendsDotOrg, requires #JavaScript to make content visible. If you know how to read HTML you can hack it to work. If not, please subscribe to us and over the next week we'll feature each episode of the first season.
It's brilliant (at times they got the #volume/#levels wrong though).
#southpark #AmericanHorrorStory #jeffreyEpsteinClass #BitcoinAndFriends #btcAndFriendsDotOrg #javascript #volume
**The year is 2048**
"Hi son, remember those four pedophiles they caught that didn't have any connection to the #CIA, #merchantBankers or the #JeffreyEpsteinClass?"
Only one was an actual #pedophile. The others were just #protesters and #dissidents they didn't like. I was tasked with framing them. I'm speaking to you from the grave because I was immediately killed after I did this. To cover up my crime. Its all thanks to a law that was passed in 2020".
"Well done dead daddy".
#cia #merchantBankers #jeffreyEpsteinClass #pedophile #protesters #dissidents
We tend to think of most #CEOs as part of a #Fiat #banking ponzi. They tend to exist to extract value, similar to past #Lords of #feudalism.
How some rise to prominence is seedy at best. We don't use terms like #JeffreyEpsteinClass for nothing.
Don't focus on real work either. Focus on appeasing the whims of the CEO. If they want you to jump through hoops, you must just jump. Don't question how this is relevent to the work.
#CEOs #fiat #banking #lords #feudalism #jeffreyEpsteinClass #sophistry #neuralLinguisticProgramming
#MalAdjusted — Its a word they use.
Well, there are some things, many things in fact, in this system that we can say we are proud to be maladjusted to.
Paraphrasing from Dr #MartinLutherKing.
#warCrimes #micimatt #militaryIndustrialComplex #intelligencia #forcedMedia #forcedNews #keynesian #moneyPrinter #corporatism #cronyism #jeffreyEpsteinClass #thinkTanks #freeAssange
#MalAdjusted #MartinLutherKing #warcrimes #MICIMATT #militaryindustrialcomplex #intelligencia #forcedMedia #forcedNews #keynesian #moneyPrinter #corporatism #cronyism #jeffreyEpsteinClass #thinktanks #freeassange
Govt can't confiscate #bitcoin. They do however imprison (possibly kill) #bitcoiners. However doing so will lead to the brightest and the best being taken out of #society. And would severly damage the #humanRace.
A viable option for the #policymakers, no doubt.
#cantillionaires #moneyPrinterGoBrr #paraMilitary #privateMilitary #MenWithGuns #CIA #jeffreyEpsteinClass #govtCrimes #JulianAssange #FreeAssange #JohnMcAfee #USDwars #LegacyMedia #forcedNews #FauxDemocracy
#bitcoin #bitcoiners #society #humanRace #policymakers #cantillionaires #moneyPrinterGoBrr #paramilitary #privateMilitary #menwithguns #cia #jeffreyEpsteinClass #govtCrimes #julianassange #freeassange #johnmcafee #USDwars #legacymedia #forcedNews #FauxDemocracy
Not only have we reached PeakOil but PeakCivilisation.
Thanks to #BigTech, we have people so disconnected from reality that theyll believe anything.
There's a saying, "The bigger the lie, the more they will believe it."
By pandering to preconcieved notions, they've been able to destroy countless lives. It's without doubt the greatest threat to humanity. Second only to the #growthAddicted #warhawks and #jeffreyEpsteinClass, who put us cattle on these #platforms to be #sacrificed.
#bigtech #growthAddicted #warhawks #jeffreyEpsteinClass #platforms #sacrificed
He effectively supports #humanTrafficking and #slaveTrade on behalf of #bigBusiness and mega-#corporations.
#InnesWillox says govt need to keep the #unemployed in #poverty to stimulate so-called #incentives for #workers to return to #unethical #jobs and #workingConditions.
#CEOclass #jeffreyEpsteinClass #cantillionaire #moneyPrinterGoBrr #macroBusiness #shill #neoFeudalism #corporateMedia #Australia #auspol
#humantrafficking #slaveTrade #bigBusiness #corporations #InnesWillox #unemployed #poverty #incentives #workers #unethical #jobs #workingconditions #CEOclass #jeffreyEpsteinClass #cantillionaire #moneyPrinterGoBrr #MacroBusiness #shill #neofeudalism #corporatemedia #australia #auspol
#Overdevelopment is a massive issue.
#Construction is the worst industry, and #populationGrowth tends to be at the root of it. Thankfully in most places when people get access to #contraception, #familyPlanning and #education they lower #fertilty.
Bombing places (ie. #conflict and #war) actually boosts fertility, and produces #refugees, both terrible things in today's age.
The #JeffreyEpsteinClass and #CEOs, love it though, more #workers and #consumers.
(see also #sandMafia)
#overdevelopment #construction #populationGrowth #contraception #familyPlanning #education #fertilty #conflict #war #refugees #jeffreyEpsteinClass #CEOs #workers #consumers #sandMafia
This is why we use the term #JeffreyEpsteinClass. It's become well-known the CIA lie, cheat, steal and murder to get results they want.
But it was always for the good, of course. Like the #WarOnDrugs was only to #massIncarcerate those pesky blacks, while allowing #police and #mafias, dealing at the streetLevel to thrive.
It seems #JeffreyEpstein abused children for the CIA, allowing #pedophiles to benefit from #insideKnowledge of upcoming #tradeDeals.
#jeffreyEpsteinClass #warondrugs #massIncarcerate #police #mafias #jeffreyepstein #pedophiles #insideKnowledge #tradedeals #EndTheCIA
@moth @realcaseyrollins @alex @sean
Oh and when it comes to the #GreenParty, last but not least:
Free from #politicalDonations from the #JeffreyEpsteinClass.
Important one, that.
#greenparty #politicalDonations #jeffreyEpsteinClass #bribery #citizensunited
Today we heard a boomer say the #GreenParty were too antiCapitalist.
Did they missed the part where #moneyPrinterGoBrr for the #JeffreyEpsteinClass.
#MoneyPrinters always seem to go brr for the EpsteinClass.
#greenparty #moneyPrinterGoBrr #jeffreyEpsteinClass #moneyPrinters #antiCapitalismForTheOnePercent
Little known fact… after every #engineeredWar the troops have a #mentalHealth problem.
One of the biggest MentalHealth drives was after #WWII. Watch #RichMansTrick (2014) to see how and why #bankers in the #USA and #BankOfEngland helped start that #war.
Some might be having a crisis. Rather than #fauxPhilanthropy while destroying #whistleblowers and #journalists who exposed the sham, #JailTheWarCriminals.
#freeMoney #corporations #CIA #BushCrimeFamily #jeffreyEpsteinClass
#engineeredWar #mentalhealth #wwii #richMansTrick #bankers #usa #bankofengland #war #fauxPhilanthropy #whistleblowers #journalists #JailTheWarCriminals #FreeJulianAssange #freeMoney #corporations #cia #BushCrimeFamily #jeffreyEpsteinClass