More beautiful creative photography by Jeffrey Spahr-Summers Photography to end the night, and ease us into the week. Enjoy! (Page 66) #mockingowlroost #yugen #quarterlyissue #photography #art #jeffreyspahrsummers
(Picture is a portion of the photograph in the center with stripes of pink and white as background.)
#mockingowlroost #yugen #quarterlyissue #photography #art #jeffreyspahrsummers
Please enjoy the creative photography of #JeffreySpahrSummers as we move into the night hours of a new moon. Peaceful, serene and colorful. Enjoy! (Page 67) #mockingowlroost #yugen #quarterlyissues #photography #TheseAreDarkTimes #creativephotography
(Picture is of a portion of the photograph surrounded by a paisley border and dark green borders top/bottom)
#jeffreyspahrsummers #mockingowlroost #yugen #quarterlyissues #photography #thesearedarktimes #creativephotography
Beautiful artwork to start the week off right. Enjoy! (Page 83) #jeffreyspahrsummers #mockingowlroost #quarterlyissue #yugen #photography #artwork #artist #Guitar2
(Picture is of a portion of the artwork in the center of the frame, with a black border/white vines in the corner)
#jeffreyspahrsummers #mockingowlroost #quarterlyissue #yugen #photography #artwork #artist #guitar2
A collaboration to end the night. This is a blend of photography/art, and words to move the soul. Enjoy! (Page 22) #jeffreyspahrsummers #suecook #mockingowlroost #yugen #quarterlyissue #photography #poetry
(Picture is a small picture in the center with a blue border around the small part of picture)
#jeffreyspahrsummers #suecook #mockingowlroost #yugen #quarterlyissue #photography #poetry
A collaboration between Jeffrey Spahr-Summers Photography and #cynthiaannlublink brings art and poetry together in a beautiful dance. Enjoy! (Page26) #mockingowlroost #yugan #quarterlyissue #jeffreyspahrsummers #cynthiaannlublink #poetry #poetrycommunity #poet #lifeanddeath
(Picture is a blue border with a portion of the picture in the center.)
#cynthiaannlublink #mockingowlroost #yugan #quarterlyissue #jeffreyspahrsummers #poetry #poetrycommunity #poet #lifeanddeath
Photography to bring in the New Year!
#mockingowlroost #moonshadow #photography #jeffreyspahrsummers #art
#yugen #quarterlyissue (page 36)
(Picture is part of the photograph surrounded by a blue border)
#mockingowlroost #moonshadow #photography #jeffreyspahrsummers #art #yugen #quarterlyissue