(I should note that #JeffTunnell of #Sierra/#Dynamix has since come up with #ContraptionMaker at https://store.steampowered.com/app/241240/Contraption_Maker : with its rotation physics, part generator, and countless quality-of-life improvements, it should be considered the gold standard for 2D physics educational software disguised as a game https://twitter.com/pierrelebeaupin/status/984161662231089155 )
#jefftunnell #sierra #contraptionmaker
Ja quasi tenim llest el nostre pròxim anàlisi, que serà sobre #ProjectFirestart. Compartim una interessant entrevista amb #JeffTunnell, el veritable pare del #survivalhorror. Thanks for this great interview @mattbarton and @jefftunn :). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rM8RPB9K9-k
#projectfirestart #jefftunnell #survivalhorror
Van ser #AloneInTheDark i #ResidentEvil els primers #survivalhorror? Cada volta ho tenim menys clar. Ací la nostra entrada setmanal: Survival Horror, en busca dels orígens. #ClockTower #Commodore64 #DamonSlye #DingooA320 #Dynamix #FrédérickRaynal #JeffTunnell #ProjectFirestart #retro #SweetHome #videojocs http://wp.me/p4CGC0-AB
#aloneinthedark #residentevil #survivalhorror #clocktower #commodore64 #damonslye #dingooa320 #dynamix #frédérickraynal #jefftunnell #projectfirestart #retro #sweethome #videojocs