Rapidly becoming a big Jeff VanderMeer fan #rewilding #jeffvandermeer https://www.esquire.com/lifestyle/a44730883/jeff-vandermeer-accidental-activist-september-2023/
Gizmodo: Fiction Analytics Site Prosecraft Shut Down After Author Backlash https://gizmodo.com/prosecraft-books-shut-down-ai-algorithms-novel-fiction-1850715319 #generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #emergingtechnologies #largelanguagemodels #jeffvandermeer #gretchenfelker #zachrosenberg #prosecraft #benjismith #copyright #indradas #fairuse #chatgpt #openai
#generativepretrainedtransformer #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #emergingtechnologies #largelanguagemodels #jeffvandermeer #gretchenfelker #zachrosenberg #prosecraft #benjismith #copyright #indradas #fairuse #chatgpt #openai
Gizmodo: Fiction Analytics Site Prosecraft Shut Down After Author Backlash https://gizmodo.com/prosecraft-books-shut-down-ai-algorithms-novel-fiction-1850715319 #generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #largelanguagemodels #jeffvandermeer #gretchenfelker #zachrosenberg #prosecraft #benjismith #indradas #chatgpt #openai #ebook
#generativepretrainedtransformer #computationalneuroscience #artificialneuralnetworks #artificialintelligence #entertainmentculture #largelanguagemodels #jeffvandermeer #gretchenfelker #zachrosenberg #prosecraft #benjismith #indradas #chatgpt #openai #ebook
Found an interesting talk on science fiction and how it might help with the meaning crisis. I focused on the last portion because it felt relevant to me in particular. Maybe some others can identify.
#Books, #Culture, #Science, #ChinaMieville, #DamienWalters, #Fantasy, #Futurism, #HardScienceFiction, #HugoAwards, #IsaacArthur, #JeffVandermeer, #JohnCWright, #JohnVervaeke, #LarryNiven, #Mythology, #NKJemisin, #SciFi, #Science, #sciencefiction #SF
#books #culture #science #chinamieville #damienwalters #fantasy #futurism #hardsciencefiction #hugoawards #isaacarthur #jeffvandermeer #johncwright #johnvervaeke #larryniven #mythology #nkjemisin #scifi #sciencefiction #sf
Today's #ElizabethDaily favorite #horror #Kindle #ebooks on sale:
It's Sci-Fi Friday!
Annihilation: A Novel (The Southern Reach Trilogy Book 1) by Jeff VanderMeer (the basis for the movie 🐻😱) $1.99
Gideon the Ninth by Tamsin Muir (dead gods and a murder mystery...in space 🌌🪦) $2.99
#HorrorBooks #AmReading #BookToot #Bookstodon #Books #HorrorFam #Bookwyrm #TamsinMuir #JeffVanderMeer #SFFBooks #SciFi
#elizabethdaily #horror #kindle #ebooks #horrorbooks #amreading #BookToot #bookstodon #books #horrorfam #Bookwyrm #tamsinmuir #jeffvandermeer #sffbooks #scifi
Fahrt nach #Dortmund ins #DortmunderU zum #HMKV und schaut euch die Ausstellung #WeGrowGrowAndGrow an. Eher was für Erwachsene, weil die immersiven Elemente auf Englisch sind. Kompakt, gratis und – wenn man sich drauf einlässt – sehr ergiebig. Wer "Auslöschung" von #jeffvandermeer mochte, wird da anknüpfen können. Sind Jana Kerima Stolzer und Lex Rütten bei Mastodon?
#dortmund #DortmunderU #hmkv #wegrowgrowandgrow #jeffvandermeer
The #kindle edition of #JeffVanderMeer's #Annihilation is on sale for $1.99 on #Amazon. It's the first #book the #SouthernReachTrilogy. (It's also what the movie of the same name is based on.) https://amzn.to/3x7l9hL
#kindle #jeffvandermeer #annihilation #amazon #book #southernreachtrilogy
One of my favorite t-shirts, promoted by author #JeffVandermeer. I had to order it by snail mail and pay with a check. Not enough #Annihilation / #SouthernReach fans out for my taste. #scifi, #ScienceFiction, #WeirdFiction
#jeffvandermeer #annihilation #southernreach #scifi #sciencefiction #weirdfiction
Borne (2017) von Jeff VanderMeer. Ich fand Annihilation nett, aber das hier ist ein echtes Meisterwerk des Biohorrors und zugleich eine einfühlsame Allegorie auf Mutterschaft und das fragile Gleichgewicht in Beziehungen. Die unglaublich plastische Welt, in der sich eine wild mutierende von Monstern bevölkerte (Post)Natur die Städte zurückholt, lenkt vom emotionalen Kern des Romans nicht ab, sondern verstärkt ihn weiter. Wirklich groß!
#borne #jeffvandermeer #heikeliebtlisten #top15bucher2022
Borne (2017) by Jeff VanderMeer. A tender biohorror masterpiece about love and loss and the struggles of maintaining a relationship when a childlike new party disturbs the balance. I'm in awe of how neatly the allegory for motherhood fits into the vivid scenery, never overshadowed by VanderMeer's outbursts of creativity that created the most memorable monsters. I liked Annihilation just fine, but this is the book that I'll come back to.
#borne #jeffvandermeer #heikeloveslists #bestbooks2022
Continuing my year-end tops with my favorite #books I read in 2022. (I read 13 novels this year, so this will be a Top 5, instead of the usual #top10)
1. City of Saints and Madmen (#JeffVanderMeer, 2001)
2. Misery (#StephenKing, 1987)
3. The Force (#DonWinslow, 2017)
4. The Slanted Gutter (#SCraigZahler, 2021)
5. Caliban's War (#JamesSACorey, 2012)
#books #top10 #jeffvandermeer #stephenking #donwinslow #scraigzahler #jamessacorey #MastodonReads
Não é que tenha lido muito este ano, mas ficam aqui os #livros que li:
▪️ Dormir num mar de estrelas / #ChristopherPaolini
▪️Eragon / C. Paolini
▪️Eldest / C. Paolini
▪️Doutor Sono / #StephenKing
▪️Samitério de Animais / S. King
▪️A Dança da Morte / S. King
▪️A Espada do Destino / #AndrezejSapkowski
▪️A Aceitação / #JeffVandermeer
Basicamente, #FicçãoCientífica, #Fantasia e #Terror que são, provavelmente os meus géneros preferidos.
#livros #ChristopherPaolini #stephenking #andrezejsapkowski #jeffvandermeer #ficcaocientifica #fantasia #terror
I just finished reading the Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff VanderMeer and oh my god it was beautiful and made me cry. 10/10 highly recommend.
#horror #southernreach #jeffvandermeer
It's.. a bit all over the place, but..
#bookstodon #tolkien #RobertLynnAsprin #LevGrossman #neilgaiman #dansimmons #jeffvandermeer
@adanvers Well, some that come to mind (for various reasons) are #NKJemisin, #NnediOkorafor, #MargaretAtwood, #TananariveDue, #JeffVanderMeer, #PauloBacigalupi, and #SamuelDelaney. I'm not saying any of them match her, but there are overlaps in the ways she wrote & depicted the world.
#nkjemisin #NnediOkorafor #MargaretAtwood #TananariveDue #jeffvandermeer #PauloBacigalupi #SamuelDelaney
Other folks have been posting this, so, for #bookstodon folks...
Who are 5-7 of your favorite authors? Add them as hashtags so we can find each other, boost this, share your own. Etc. Some of mine:
#bookstodon #nkjemison #octaviabutler #EdenRobinson #LouiseErdrich #neilgaiman #jeffvandermeer #akwaekeemezi