I'm thinking of building a static website/blog where I could host my astrophotography images as well as some blog posts, tutorials, etc.
Features I'm looking for:
- Built-in or plugins for generating image galleries from high resolution images
- Image viewing tool/plugin with ability to zoom/pan in high resolution images
- Ability to generate pages from template and separate data (yaml, etc.)
- Possibility to include code blocks with syntax highlighting
- Tags
- Simplicity of use
I'm starting to look into Jekyll and Hugo. Any other tools or recommendations? Thx.
#web #website #blogging #staticsite #hugo #jekyll
I just released v1.3.7 of the Jekyll theme called SpaacedOut. Check out the details at https://jasong.us/3sE4dQU.
#jekyll #jekylltheme #cms #css #dev #webtheme #webthemes #spaacedout #ruby #gem
#jekyll #jekylltheme #cms #css #dev #webtheme #webthemes #spaacedout #ruby #gem
I have moved my personal blog away from #wordpress running on a dedicated node in #linode over to #github as static files generated by #jekyll
#wordpress #linode #github #jekyll
Tal día como hoy, en 2018 publiqué: "Cómo tener un #blogging con #GitHub y #Jekyll"
#blogging #github #jekyll #taldiacomohoy
This past month I have been wondering if I chose the right #CMS (#WordPress). I'm getting more and more intrigued by the likes of static site generators like #Hugo or #Jekyll + #GithubPages. And then I discovered #512KBclub and #1MBclub which highlights the unnecessary bloat on many websites. My blog is currently at 809Kb (uncompressed)...
Using WordPress is not as smooth as I like; I often don't feel like writing due to the clunkiness of the interface.
What CMS do you use for your #blog?
#cms #wordpress #hugo #jekyll #githubpages #512kbclub #1mbclub #blog
Should I switch from my current #eleventy blog (https://orbitalblog.vercel.app) to #jekyll blog (https://orbitalmartian8.github.io/blog) or to a manual blog (which would be hosted at https://orbitalmartian.codeberg.page/blog)
#eleventy #jekyll #askfedi #orbitalblog
Guys I need your help, I'm moving my blog from using single `style.css` to using module approach with sass, done everything according to Jekyll docs and looked how other guys do this, but I have this error no matter what, any ideas on how to fix this?
Hello! I want to make an online dictionary of my local language. What static site generator do you suggest for the task?
I use #hugo for my personal English blog but I highly doubt it is the correct solution for an online dictionary.
#AskFedi #static_site_generator #jekyll #static_blog_generator #site_generator #blog_generator #static_generator #tech #web #web_dev
#hugo #askfedi #static_site_generator #jekyll #static_blog_generator #site_generator #blog_generator #static_generator #tech #web #web_dev
Alguém aí manja de #jekyll ?
No arquivo YML, como seria possível configurar submenus?
Eu gostaria, por ex., que o mouse, ao pairar ou clicar sobre um dos ítens de um menu principal, abrisse um sub-menu com ítens secundários.
No meu arquivo YML (_config.yml) é assim:
- textos.md
- archive.md
Mas eu gostaria, por ex., que o link da página "textos" abrisse um sub-menu, mas não sei que configuração colocar. Alguma luz?
Static site generator for a blog? What's the best choice and why? To write about code, interaction design and DIY-stuff.
#hugo #jekyll #staticsitegenerator #blog
We’re featuring https://www.dcgffl.org/ as our official site of the month 🌈
Check out their #jekyll website, built by our talented partner Ed Cupaioli 🤩
Heyyyyy let's see if I can get back on the blogging bandwagon!
Here's a new post! https://www.katherineincode.com/2023/08/10/Building-a-Blog/
Also, following the wonderful examples of @katerberg and @BritishKoalaTea , I have a Now page: https://www.katherineincode.com/now/
Yay website! Yay blogging! Yay #jekyll!
So if, like me, you use #Jekyll & #GitHubPages…
… but you're more of a hobbyist than a Super Web Dreamweaver person,,,
…here's what I just did to stop #ChatGPT from crawling my site.
(It's basically how to add a robots.txt file—especially if you have one but don't already know how yours is generated.)
Short 🧵
Playing around with #jekyll
Just discovered that the jekyll-seo-tag plugin supports preview images for your blog posts through the Open Graph protocol. Just add an `image:` path to the front matter and that's it. Neat!
I've put together a #markdown guide just to have frequently used commands at hand, e.g., for your #jekyll website/blog, or your #PKM system running with #Devonthink (@devontechnologies ) or #Obsidian (@obsidian). Feel free to use and share ^_^
🌎 https://www.fabriziomusacchio.com/teaching/Markdown_Guide/
#markdown #jekyll #pkm #devonthink #obsidian
If you run a static #Jekyll website with the #MinimalMistakes theme, I once created a #cheatcheet to have the most important and frequently used features at hand. Feel free to use and share it 🤗
🌎 https://www.fabriziomusacchio.com/blog/2021-08-11-Minimal_Mistakes_Cheat_Sheet/
#jekyll #minimalmistakes #cheatcheet