The new website (one of my targets for 2023) is up and running!
It was relatively easy to migrate from #wordpress to a static site powered by #jekyllrb. I am lovign jekyll: flexible, lots of features that I need and, mostly, enables me to write in #markdown without worrying-at-all about styling, formatting or layout.
#wordpress #jekyllrb #markdown
What’s the deal with #highlightJS just…getting stuck highlighting some random block of code in the middle of your page? I have a code block marked `swift` featuring a `class` definition that will not highlight properly. But if I add a statement before the class definition, e.g. `a = b + 5`, the syntax highlighting works again. What am I doing wrong?
I’m using the minimized bundle from their CDN, so I should have the latest version.
#highlightjs #jekyllrb #staticpages #SyntaxHighlighting #blogging
Nebyoolae's home,, uses an open-source project called Homer, which is written in #vuejs and has inspired me to finally write a web app using said framework.
My real name's home,, uses plain HTML/CSS/JS except for the blog, which uses #jekyllrb.
@hugolassiege j'avais essayé Gatsby (qui est l'équivalent de Nuxt chez React) pour mon site perso et j'ai beaucoup aimé le concept MAIS..
Je suis revenu sur mon projet quelques mois plus tard et j'ai eu beaucoup de problèmes les dépendances. A tel point, que j'étais obligé de migrer vers la version supérieur. Un peu pénible pour un petit site statique qui est sensé être simple, non ?
Je suis donc revenu à #jekyllrb . Ca reste du HTML / CSS / Markdown avec une fonctionnalité de blogging out-of-the-box sans une seule ligne de code. Et le résultat, c'est que JavaScript n'est même pas nécessaire pour faire fonctionner mon site. Donc des webperf au top.
Mon avis final: Choose Boring Technology (
Je trouve par que le SSR (et les tonnes de libs JS derrière) rendent tout complexe . Je n'en voit pas l'intérêt pour un blog assez basique . Pour un site plus poussé, pourquoi pas.
After much faffing, as I’ve apparently forgotten how to #Jekyllrb, I’ve added webfinger and also validated my website.
After much faffing, as I’ve apparently forgotten how to #Jekyllrb, I’ve added webfinger and also validated my website.
Sometimes you want to deploy your latest and greatest #jekyllrb site onto 3aws, but Amplify doesn't support your changes. Read on to find out how to use a custom #ruby build image to deploy your site using #awsamplify!
In the last days, we built the website for my partner using #jekyllrb. If you are in #Wales/UK/Germany and interested in conflict transformation, #NVC, Peace Building or generally more connected ways of living, have a look :) #seo
My blog RSS:
#coding #bsd #opensource #FreeBSD
thanks to: #liferea #gitLabPages #jekyllrb
#coding #bsd #opensource #freebsd #liferea #gitlabpages #jekyllrb